

  • Start with the 20 minutes that you can do ... and then after a week / two weeks force yourself to do 30 minutes and then in a couple more weeks bump it up to 40-45 and so on so forth ...
  • Did you go from drinking caffine to absolutely no caffine?! That can be a BIG source of awful headaches for a week to two weeks as well.
  • I thought of this great idea for breakfast and thought I'd share it: Olde Hearth Sourdough English Muffins (1) Weight Watchers Single Slice American Cheese (1) Egg White (1) Oscar Meyer Cooked Canadian Bacon (1 slice) Toast the english muffin, cook up the egg whites and heat through the canadian bacon ... place all on the…
  • I go for a dash of light brown sugar and raisins ... a small pour of skim milk as well.
  • I've lost my first five pounds ... in less than a week ... which kind of scares me because I am afraid of all this progress dropping off and just coming to a halt. Any suggestions as to make sure this doesn't happen? I work out at least 30 minutes a day / 6 days a week and I a wondering if bumping up to an hour a day would…
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