sweetcyanide Member


  • I know what that's like, when my grandfather passed away last year he left me some money. I had been wanting the sleeve so bad, so I used it to go to Tijuana (yes in Mexico) for my procedure. I had a lapband but they took it out and sleeved me. I paid so much less than I would have here in the states by going down there…
  • I had unexpected spotting post-op despite having an 8 day period the week prior, so I'm convinced my uterus will be messing with me in the future. Oh well, going to start up on my birth control again and am hoping that will help
  • I guess I'm just afraid of being that rare person who has surgery and doesn't lose enough weight from it. My HW was 346, and my pre-op weight was 303 so I feel like I have such a long ways to go. That thread definitely helps tho, I'm in no hurry to try to get large amounts of calories in at this point but I was concerned…
  • That's how my clinic wants it too, focus on protein but I still want to eat healthy if I can so I was wondering what others are averaging daily. And I guess it's not that slow but it feels slow when my scale doesn't move much for a few days. It makes me wonder if maybe due to my stage I can't get enough calories to keep a…
  • haha welcome and good luck! :)
  • REST! it's important to give your body a day to rest. when you exercise, you're literally tearing the muscle. just in a healthy way. so your muscles work best (which means more burned calories) when you give them some rest and time to heal. during a work out, you're hurting because of the lactic acid in your muscles.…
  • i'm going with sugar free :S fat is needed. maybe not in large quantities but it's still needed. sugar is too easily over done and i don't think people realize it enough. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/health-effects-of-sugar
  • oh the many things i can think of hehe. sorry if some seem silly or strange lol - turn off water while brushing teeth or washing dishes, use cold water to wash light soiled laundry, cold showers also if you can handle it haha, buy generic (unless it's really bad!), dry clothes at night if it heats your house too much or…
  • dang that's awesome, my best is 6 miles in 30 minutes.
  • i certainly count them lol. i don't like to drink just water.