jaybroave Member


  • According to this site and another Tae Bo burns mega calories...you might want to try that. It says for 35 minutes you burn 722 calories :) which is what I do every morning...and I'm noticing a big difference in the way my clothes fit and my muscle tone.
  • Very encouraging words there...thank you!! It's nice to hear now and then that people are going through the same thing and that you're not alone. Keep the "ramblings" coming! :smile:
  • That sounds delicious! I gotta try it! Thanks!
  • it's so easy to not look at the facts when you're not ready to REALLY change. i feel enlightened and a little dumb for not using common sense to figure it out. thank you for posting this!
  • i was just wondering how many calories lost through exercise/eating less equals one pound? thanks!
  • i am having mixed issues with my exercise calories. some days i feel ravenous and eat almost all of them and other days there are so many left but i feel like if i eat anything else i'll be sick. i'm also apprehensive that if i eat my exercise calories i'm not going to lose the weight. i have heard ppl say if you don't eat…
  • we just had spaghetti tonight. normally i throw it all together but since i'm trying to be more conscious of what i'm eating, i do it separately. 2 oz of dry pasta is roughly 1/2 cup cooked and then i do my meat/sauce separately which is a 1/2 cup. and i actually just purchased my first food scale today and it was only…
  • I completely agree...who knew exercise could be so complex and interesting...lol. I am pretty new to this exercise stuff....sad but true. Maybe you could help me. I do my cardio on a Gazelle and have found a site that calculates calories for light, moderate, vigorous, and very vigorous. The gazelle tells you your speed but…
  • i'm pretty new to this stuff. so if i understand correctly, for calorie burning purposes it is better to have a more intense workout but for fat-burning a lower intensity, longer workout? which is better for losing weight or a mixture of both?
  • congratulations! i'm just getting started too. hopefully i do as well as you in my first two weeks! keep it up.
  • that did help. i was burning more calories that i thought....thanks a lot!
  • i have a gazelle that i am using for cardio workout, however, the calorie reading is not accurate. when i am adding exercise on here, would a gazelle be considered a ski machine? thanks!
  • Thanks to both of you! I really am so excited. I just find it amazing that these resources have been under my nose the whole time, and I never knew it. I am sure this will be a life-changing moment.
  • Well it's 2009 and time for resolutions but instead of being unrealistic (like in the past), I am going to really do it this time. I am so excited that I stumbled upon My Fitness Pal. I have a long way to go, and I know it won't be easy but I am running out of excuses to not change my lifestyle.