

  • Love this question !! 1) I can still do the splits even at my size 2) My toes dont touch the floor 3) I was born on my great grandfathers 101st birthday 4) I was a volunteer EMT for several years 5) I have flown all overthe world, but now i am afraid to fly
  • Hello, It does look like you eat out a lot, I do to. I would maybe try getting a large chilli and baked potato with sour cream and chives for lunch for the same calories as a small chilli and burger. instead of fritos try microwave popcorn, you will get so much more !!! they say eating soup before a meal you canloose 30%…
  • try a decaff tea or coffee the warm liquid seem to help keep me full
  • I try not to eat much bread any more, I have switched to Jospehs lavash bread its delish (i was very hesitant at 1st ) but it is only 50 calories for 1/2 .
  • I have been eating a sweet onion salad dailey and it is sooooo good, very filling and 340 cals. They know me now as the ton of spinich girl !!!
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