Five Unique Things About Me



  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    1) I torn my middle finger off when I was in 1st grade it got stuck in the door. :( but its fixed so I can tell you F off still
    2) I sing at Russian Weddings :):blushing:
    3) I have been to jail when I was 11 for stealing :/ Was there for 2 days! hardcore gangsta!
    4) I speak Russian/French/Understand German & when I get very mad I forget how to speak english..ooops, also I'm half black Half Russian/French boom! I don't even look mixed until i turn around.
    5) I used to work on a Christmas Tree Farm, Cutting and chopping and carrying very heavy tree across the field with one hand..boom in heels! get some! :flowerforyou:
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Such a fun post!

    1. I'm terribly afraid of birds, but I do have a couple tattooed on my ribs
    2. I once wrote a novella about Red Riding Hood where Red ends up shagging the wolf and eating her grandma. It was published!
    3. I'm obsessed with spelling and grammar. It can be a real turn off for me in a relationship.
    4. When I was 13, I spent a year trying to morph myself into Ginger Spice.
    5. I'm a prolific sleep talker, and when I do I always talk in accents.

  • 1. I am very particular about what fabrics can touch my skin (my fiance says I am weird, I say unique:))

    2. My hair is nearly to my butt when it gets to my knees I am cutting it and donating it to locks of love

    3. I hate fruit other than watermelon, love all veggies other than brussel sprouts gross!

    4. I love 80's-90's cover bands

    5. I dream of one day starting a non-profit that helps people pay for their medicine, I know there are some out there right now
    but they only help people who are below poverty level and I know plenty of "middle class" families who can not afford their
  • 1. I had plastic surgery when I was 5 (dog bit to the face).
    2. I spent a week sailing in the Caribbean.
    3. My great, great Uncle was in the Mafia. (And killed in the Mafia).
    4. I grew up splitting wood and heating my house with a wood stove (not a pellet stove. lol)
    5. I have owned my own photography business since I was 18.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    This is awesome

    1. Im afraid of the dark, when my partner is away my daughter sleeps in bed with me (she is 6 so not weird) and we have the light

    2. I can squirt milk out my eyes but i also cant equalise when diving or in a plane

    3. I love containers i have lots ive never used but one day i might

    4. I have over 200 pens - i purposely steal them from other peoples offices

    5. I am extremely kinaesthetic i cant understand things unless i can picture them, see them or do them. When people criticise me i need specific examples or i dont understand, a fact that drives my partner mad
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    lol I think its funny that a lot of what people think is unique is something that was common years ago...

    1) I have moved over 30 times ( I am 28. Not from a military family just a very unsettled mother)

    2) I have been stabbed (steak knife when I was 10), shot (shot gun when I was 11, choked to unconsciousness x 2, shot with a dart gun and I was knocked unconscious by a homeless guy.

    3) I have had a reoccurring dream at least once a week since I was about 12 years old. The story gets longer.

    4) I have an intense fear of climbing down things, no fear of heights ( I have bungee jumped) I can climb up a latter fine, have a terrifying depilating fear climbing down one.

    5) I can read, edit and correct other's writing with near perfect grammar and punctuation corrections, yet I do not notice my mistakes (I have plenty in this list alone, but I second guess it every time.)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    1. I am a black belt

    2. I am a licensed motorcyclist

    3. I am a DJ and run my own wedding DJ buisness

    4. I was a Mime in high school

    5. I can stand on the literal tips of my toes in my bare feet
  • These are interesting!
    1.) I play rugby for my university
    2.) I had to have surgery because I blew my knee out doing squats in high school
    3.) I am known to be tough, but am absolutely terrified of bugs. If I see one in my room ill sleep on the couch for days
    4.) I was a vegetarian for 3 years and now eat more meat then I ever have :O
    5.) I can almost deadlift twice my body weight. 15 lbs away :D
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 292 Member
    1. I have emetophobia (fear of vomit/ing)
    2. I used to be a rhythmic gymnast
    3. I travelled around Australia at the age of 17 towing a large caravan by myself (this I will be doing again as soon as my house sells)
    4. I fall in love too easily
    5. I put a paedophile in jail
  • diletta24
    diletta24 Posts: 91 Member
    1. I Have the strangest coffee-related habits ever! If plain Americano, without sweetener! if I add milk into...sweetener please! If homemade Italian expresso, without sweetener again ... if italian expresso by coffee shop, always with milk ans sweetener again. Well. It's a protocol. zero randomness. :)

    2. My ideal ordinary life involves should some doubleness. I'm easy to feel like stucking. In particular, home&flat related. I always need a way out :)

    3. I love old fashioned ancient books. Even second hand books. Healthy obsession.

    4. I need to be strict and self demanding with myself to stay really happy.

    5. I can't swim (shame...)
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    I love these lists !

    1) I am the result of a bet my mum had with her best friend !
    2) I have really poor balance due to a growth on my spine ..stairs and escalators are a nightmare for me !
    3) The sight of an old aircraft can make me cry !
    4) I spend most of my spare time 2000 ft in the air
    5)I have never eaten a Big Mac :-)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    1. I am a synesthete - I have both grapheme-color and number form synesthesia.
    1. I also have number form synesthesia.

    Whoah! I have a mild form of spatial-sequence synesthesia (interesting read from 1881:

    Thanks for the article! I have number form/spatial-sequence synesthesia. I have unique spatial forms for my numbers, alphabet, hours of the day, days of the week, days of the month, months of the year, and years. I honestly didn't know it was abnormal until I started reading up on synesthesia.
  • 1:I have three daughters all born on a wednesday

    2:I have never moved away from my home town

    3:I am naturally an incredibly lazy person yet have always be known as a hard worker.

    4:I have never broken a bone in my body.

    5:I never visit the graves of my parents...They are not there, they are in my heart.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    1. I once spent 2 weeks on a boat on the Amazon River, providing health care to the tribes.
    2. My name is unique. I have never met another Brecka.
    3. I care more about dogs than humans
    4. I am obsessed with To-Do lists. I make one every single day.
    5. My dream vacation spot is Alaska.
  • Love this question !!

    1) I can still do the splits even at my size
    2) My toes dont touch the floor
    3) I was born on my great grandfathers 101st birthday
    4) I was a volunteer EMT for several years
    5) I have flown all overthe world, but now i am afraid to fly
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    -never had a broken bone
    -never had a cavity
    -engaged to my ex's former best friend
    -the day i graduated high school, my father was locked up in prison
    -i was in an elevator with OJ Simpson when i was a toddler
  • 1. My hair has been every color of the rainbow and sometimes more than one color at a time. I don't think I've seen my natural hair color in years!

    2. My parents have been happily married for 35 years.

    3. I once dated a guy 26 years older than me.

    4. I am obsessed with chapstick. But not the actual Chapstick *brand* . . . it feels like wax and I refuse to use it. I have over 100 tubes in various locations in my house, car, purse, pockets, etc.

    5. I have never been addicted to anything . . . not even caffeine.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    1. I ride motorcycle more than I drive a car (I"ve even ridden home from work in the snow on mine)

    2. I can kick as high as my head, maybe a bit higher too.

    3. I've never broken a bone

    4. I walked away from a 100MPH motorcycle crash without a scratch (motorcycle not so lucky...)

    5. My daily driver I drive when I don't ride my motorcycle is 33 years old.
