Five Unique Things About Me



  • Daneece
    1) I am a true single mother(no help or involvement from the father) of an amazing 6 year old. Still I manage to be a full time student.
    2) My daughter was delivered by the Dr. that delivered me and my 5 siblings. Also delivered at the same hospital as I was. We live in the house I grew up in. She goes to the same grade school as I did. Last but not least we had the same kindergarten teacher.
    3) On my fathers side I have over 150 relatives that do not include husbands wives and most step children.
    4) I've seen a colt be born and help a very little. Lol
    5) Most people believe my daughter is my mothers before they know she is mine.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    1) I've been married for 3 years and still no children (as un-unique as that may sound to you all, 90% of my friends were either parents before marriage, or shortly after getting married became parents. I hate that about my friends. I'd rather they wait like me. You only get to be newly weds once in your life.)
    2) I'm the only kid in my family with grey eyes.
    3) I want to have a son and name him Roland Cthulhu and call him R.C. for short. If we end up with a girl, we are playing around with the name Ann R'lyeh or R'lyeh Ann or even R'lyeh Cthulhu and call her R.C. for short!
    4) I've never cried at funerals...
    5) My head is large thanks to my thick naturally curly hair... Buying hats is a HUGE ordeal for me.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Let's see....

    1. Though I no longer play, I used to be really good at the violin and cello. I'm talking winning a competition of 150 from ages 12-18 in Northern California. I was 14.

    2. Even though I am often told otherwise (on the positive side), I find myself to be average.

    3. I genuinely love kids and animals and think nothing of adding 5 extra kids and a great Dane (or husky once, lol) to my own 3 kids, Yorkie, and cat... For as long as 5 hours. That was 2 meals and a snack I prepared for them all, just them and me.

    4. Somehow I lack the judgement gene. I accept everyone as they are and understand why they are the way they are. This doesn't mean I don't get upset with people, because I do... I just build a bridge and get over it quickly. My love capacity is *HUGE*.
    This is what I love most about myself.

    5. People seems to use me for a period in time when they need help, then they slip away. One time, when lamenting over this fact, I was told it's like a hand-up. They need the support and love of someone stronger until they can get onto their own feet, like a dehydrated person checking into the hospital for a coupe liters of interveinous hydration. I am okay with this. I have also met a TON of really super interesting people this way!

    Bonus number 6! My dream car is a Volkswagon Thing. Preferably in white, but I'd take any color!
  • RyanDanielle5101
    1. I brush my teeth while I'm in the shower:P
    2. I am a girl named Ryan
    3. I get a headache when bad weather is coming
    4. I had dinner with Mandy Moore and Take 5 at Planet Hollywood Orlando when I was in middle school.
    5. I win stuff on the radio all the time!!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    1. I was a professional in-home dog trainer in South Florida

    2. I trained a dog for one of Bob Marley's sons in Miami

    3. I work with troubled kids and I am a trainer in 4 different types of physical restraints.

    4. I love 80's hair metal

    5. I saved an 8-year olds life when I was 12. I was hiking a mountain when she ran by not looking where she was going and I grabbed the back of her shirt just before she would've gone off of a 75 foot ledge.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    1 ) I play or played saxophone

    2 ) I have been hit by lightning

    3 ) I was once arrested but never changed for modifying an explosive device, and attempted to detonate when I was a minor

    4 ) I've never seen a modern 3d movie

    5 ) I like to brew my own beer
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    1. I can play the piano free style only
    2. I am ambidextrous (both handed)
    3. I'm self taught- crochet/sewing
    4. I time myself when organizing things... (ok this ones embarrassing lol)
    5. I can't do a cartwheel (have been trying to do one for years)
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    1. I am a synesthete - I have both grapheme-color and number form synesthesia.
    1. I also have number form synesthesia.

    Whoah! I have a mild form of spatial-sequence synesthesia (interesting read from 1881:

    I'm also obsessed with retracing the history of buildings or in some cases building sites (this could include overlaying current/past images, collecting ephemera, finding the lineage of ownership) - I kind of see buildings as people :ohwell:

    I have trespassed a lot to collect information for the above - I've had close calls with security (no police, thankfully) and also homeless people, unstable flooring/ceilings, and other things that come along with abandoned buildings/houses.

    I LOVE maps - any kind - road, topographic, whatever. Somewhat related to both of the above, perhaps..

    I can play a variety of musical instruments but never kept up with them..

    I am afraid of drains - I can deal with sink/tub since I *have* to but I'm super on edge about others (like pools...eek).

    That's more than five but they blend together!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    1. I am a synesthete - I have both grapheme-color and number form synesthesia.

    2. I once gave myself a black eye while getting up in the middle of the night to look up a word in the dictionary (it's an obsession with me).

    3. I don't care about the argument between unique/unusual here, even though I'm a word nerd - it's all about the fun of the list.

    4. I also don't care that I can't come up with 5 things - apparently I'm neither unique nor unusual, so there you have it. :smile:

    5. Oh, I forgot to add - I'm also ambidextrous, which can be quite useful.... :)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    1. Been Married 4 times. (I tell Jan that I'm too much man for one woman.)

    2. Worked as a Bodyguard from 1981 to 1987.

    3. Been studying Karate/TKD/Judo since 1974. Had my own studio from the late 70's until mid 80's.

    4. Spent 6 months in a Burn Ward as a child. Almost lost my left arm and eyesight.

    5. I can wiggle my ears. (Might not impress you, but it impresses the *kitten* out of my 3 yr old Granddaughter.)
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    1. Was brought up on stage at a Blue Man Group show a couple years ago.
    2. Scaled a 100ft cliff with no climbing gear when I was 10.
    3. Designed and built my first 500+ horsepower small block at age 16.
    4. Owned a Winchester .30-30 lever action rifle when I was 7.
    5. When I was 5, I died and was brought back to life (drowned).

    Guess I've always been kind of an adrenaline junkie........
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    1. I'm a small engine mechanic. (I don't find this unique, but others seem to.)
    2. I've never seen all those movies everyone else has seen. (Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars, Indiana Jones...)
    3. Even though I'm now 6' tall, I was a competitive gymnast and a cheerleader for over 10 years.
    4. I'm a mom of twins. (sanity is overrated)
    5. I hate diamonds, gold and roses!

    Haha...I kept it clean! That's a first for me, I think! :laugh:
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    1. My biggest pet peeve is when people say "I could care less." It's "I couldn't care less."
    2. I have two cats
    3. I can't have anyone else fold my clothes, I have to do it as I have a special way of doing it.
    4. I've done the race up the Empire State Building and Swam Across Long Island Sound
    5. I love to cook but hate doing dishes
  • Lets_get_going
    Lets_get_going Posts: 23 Member
    1. I'm fluent in 5 languages technically, 4 of which are basically the same (in case you're wondering...Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian and Montenegrin) 5th of course would be English, and I'm currently trying to learn Swedish.
    2. I've lived through 2 wars (Bosnian War in '92 - '95 and the NATO aggression on Serbia in '99)
    3. I'm afraid of deep water, not like in pools, more like in the sea.... the feeling of not knowing what's lurking under me freaks me out, or that moment when you're not so close to shore and you look down and all you can see is darkness..yikes!
    4. I wear contact lenses, I have been since my sophomore year in high school.
    5. I recently got stuck in an elevator for about 30 minutes, ALONE.... worst 30 minutes of my life I think. I have just gotten back from a 7 hour bus ride, starving... my first though after I've realized the elevator is stuck was "Am I really gonna die hungry, seriously?" haha :D
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    1. I tend to randomly (or sometimes purposely) bark aloud like a dog. It's impulsive, and I've been told by many that the sound is uncanny to that of a real dog.

    2. I am very neurotic when it comes to my hands. If my hands become sticky for example, I will go into super panic mode until they are washed. At times, I wash my hands just for the sake of washing them. Wouldn't call it obsessive though.

    3. I hold money just to look at it. If I receive large bills, I'll keep it for as long as possible---even if there is something that could be purchased with it--- because I just love to stare at money. I will refrain from buying more expensive items just to prevent from breaking down aforementioned large bill.

    4. I bite. I'm not even talking in a dirty kind of way.. I just like to bite people.

    5. I become extremely apologetic at times, and tend to feel incredibly bad if someone purchases something for me.. be it on a date or on a day with significance like a birthday. If the item looks expensive, I accept it gracefully, but tend to feel awful about it for quite a while.
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    1 - I traveled to all seven continents by the time I was 30.
    2 - I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro
    3 - I have bunji jumped (Vic Falls) and jumped out of an airplane (Moab), even though I'm terrified of heights (litterally shaking and they had to push me out of the plain and off the plank where I bunjied).
    4 - My long term jobs have had nothing to do with my studies - I have been both in banking and telecommunications- went to school for Psychology and Spanish and worked my way up from entry level (file room clerk and admin) to senior positions.
    5 - I have never broke a bone in my body- only sprains - despite all of my activities.
  • Salamanda425
    1. I have had to go to court over someone cutting down trees on their own property.
    2. My husband and I will travel to another state just to be able to color it in on a map that we keep.
    3. My doctor misdiagnosed me as having a stroke when I was 26, which ultimately caused anxiety attacks.
    4. I make at least one pie or cake a week and never eat it.
    5. I have pet snakes, but I'm extremely afraid of centipedes!
  • ChristinaK42
    You are Unique in more ways than 5. (that's a good thing)

    1. I was the Darrington, Washington Rodeo Queen in 1987
    2. I had my second son at home delivered by a midwife on the hottest day in July (1995)
    3. I use to work on a dairy farm milking cows when I was in high school
    4. I'm freekishly scared of any water other than a swimming pool (goldfish can be vicious)
    5. The only time I am warm is when it is below 20 degrees or above 80 degrees, anything in between and I have to dress in layers.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    1. I enlisted in the army reserves when I was 17 (I needed my parents to co-sign my enlistment contract)
    2. I once had a fish of mine get run over by a car (as I was riding my bike back from the ped shop and the bag fell in the road)
    3. I met my husband online, we "dated" long distance for less than 8 months before getting married in Hawaii. That was over 10 years ago.
    4. I have "delivered" about 12 babies, I am a labor and delivery nurse and quite often the doctor does not make it in time
    5. When I was in highschool I had a job at McDonalds. My boss told me I was dumb for going to college because I had a very bright future ahead of me at the golden arches.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    1. I'm the blondest albino ever.

    2. I taught 5 yr old Korean children English, and I don't think I'll ever top that for a sense of pride.

    3. I want a tattoo on my chest that says "24601."

    4. I spend a lot of time thinking about the color orange.

    5. I'd rather buy a janky old bicycle and repair it than buy a new one, if only for a sense of pride.