ALWAYS hungry



  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    protein, protein, protein.

    If I eat a veggie and cheese omelet with some turkey bacon for breakfast, I'm full til lunch... If I have a bowl of cereal, I'm ready for lunch 30 minutes later. It makes a huge difference for me.

    Defiantley agree. I cannot get over the difference in how hungry I get when I have a big carb heavy meal vs a smaller protien heavy meal. Protein gives you more UMPH for your calories! Hard boiled eggs are my savior!
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    try protein packed meals or low calorie snacks between meals. i eat like 5 small meals a day..sometimes six. i'm never hungry unless i skip a snack. snacks i will do like a cup of strawberries and handful of nuts, a granola bar and an orange, orange and a glass of milk, string cheese and a fruit, apples and peanut butter, celery with peanut butter and raisins, whole wheat bread and peanut butter, chocolate milk and string cheese...things like that.

    just make sure your meals have a good source of protein to keep you fuller longer, and whole grains help too!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I know how you feel. I can eat 2 scrambled eggs on a bed of veggies, a glass of milk and a banana and still feel never seems to go away. I had heard that water helps...but it never seemed to be the case for me. However, what I have just started doing which seems to help a bit is to make myself drink 24 oz. of water beffore I'm allowed a snack, then another 24 before lunch, another 24 before my snack and so on all day. I am still hungry but it's not as bad.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Have to second the calls for more protein. I often eat a large breakfast consisting of around 800 calories and 60-70 grams of protein and that will curb hunger for me all day, I will have zero cravings. You don't have to go that extreme, but try adding protein as others suggested. I recently convinced some friends of mine to do the same thing and they are blown away by how they just didn't feel hungry for hours and hours.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Yeah, your breakfast would have lasted me all of 30 minutes before I was starving again. If you love eggs, I would get on that! :happy:
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    eggs are great as they last a awhile. you can micro an egg by scrambling it for a minute. i do this while emptying the dishwasher and put it on a piece of toast. should last about 3 or 4 hrs. i have to eat every 3 or 4 with the hypoglycemia or I get sick.carbs in the morning dont do it although i love cereal so eat that for lunch or a snack sometimes
  • emt8672
    try a decaff tea or coffee the warm liquid seem to help keep me full