mrsmegb Member


  • "Gluten free" items are very unhealthy. More processed and higher in carbs and straight sugar – things that contribute to belly fat. I'm celiac, and I ended up cutting out grains entirely and have never felt better.
  • Exactly. If you're not getting at least your BMR, you're not going to get anywhere. My husband and I are doing a TDEE cut after reading the In Place of a Roadmap 3.0 post -- and we're doing great. He was stalled and as soon as he ate more, the pounds came off - same with me. If I wasn't working from a TDEE cut, I wouldn't…
  • x2 Of course he says that in his promo to get people to buy the system... the guy who started Zumba says the same thing. If you're only able to do 10 minutes on the elliptical, I'd keep working on pushing yourself with that. Like the previous poster said, it's very high impact -- you're more likely to injure yourself than…
  • After researching it & similar products my opinion is -- definitely not. Have you even tried wearing the chest strap? I honestly don't feel mine at all.
  • It really depends on your local CSA. Ours was great, but I stopped it because we're within walking distance of two great farmer's markets. There's now another one that lets you pick what you want in your box each week, but I've got a great garden this summer. I'd see if they'd let you do a month long trial, and if it ends…
    in CSAs? Comment by mrsmegb April 2013
  • 5ft -- and a lot to lose! Adding! Everyone else is welcome too -- I follow the TDEE cut roadmap & mix c25k with weights and Zumba.
  • For accuracy, you'll need a chest strap heart rate monitor. I have a few examples: 1 - Zumba Rush on xBox 360 usually doubles what I actually burned, whereas Your Shape: Fitness Evolved usually has me at a third of what I burned. 2 - Nike+'s Running App is usually 1/3rd under what I actually burned. 3 - My treadmill is all…
  • Great job!!! I agree -- healthier and younger!
  • It sounds like you have one main goal: visible abs So is it safe to assume you've just been doing exercise that targets your abs? You need to mix things up -- target different areas for strength too, and get cardio in. Also, binge eating is more like uncontrollable eating... thousands upon thousands of calories a day.…
  • Shoes are different for every foot -- the only pair that worked for me was $140+tax, but totally worth it. I got fitted at the local running shop. When my mom was on her WLJ, she didn't get fitted, kept walking several miles a day... and ended up needing foot surgery that didn't really help. In the long run do what's right…
  • Definitely start doing c25k again, but be prepared to walk the whole 5k, which is perfectly fine to do! Nike has some great smart phone apps for tracking your walks/runs, giving you the pace and time, etc. Personally I would shoot for power walking the 5k. Your first mile is going to be killer to your calves, especially if…
  • If you're eating under your BMR, you're definitely eating too little. MFP is amazing for tracking & support, but not so good at making sure you're really eating enough. When I was eating the 1200cal/day, I was falling asleep at 8pm after sleeping in until 8-9am. After I learned about TDEE cuts, it made SOO much more sense…
  • Having the right shoes is a BIG deal!!!!! My feet turn inwards, making it impossible to run or workout without shoes to correct it. I had to get the top of the line "motion control" shoes for my feet... Brooks' Ariel. The $140+tax has been SOOOO worth it! When I even just do the kettlebell without those shoes, my insides…
  • Both... I was doing couch to 5k by myself, then my husband joined me one morning and loved it... so he's now running with me three days a week. It'll probably change again when he switches to day shift, but I still get at least one day in by myself because I love the "me" time.
  • The FitBit is only good for some activities. It's incredible inaccurate compared to an HRM. For example, a FitBit wont recognize the burn when you're biking.... or on a treadmill but holding onto the bars. The FitBit is great for just your average daily activities, but not so much for your exercising. I have the Polar FT4…
  • It's hard to swallow when you're trying to lose weight... but often times your metabolism needs more food in order to be able to burn more calories. If it doesn't get the calories it needs, it goes into starvation mode. There's no magic number that works for everyone, you have to figure out what's working for you and what…