

  • I believe I heard of a magazine called Clean Eating. Maybe it was Green Eating? Either way, my friend stationed in Germany use to get it all the time since she is a vegetarian. It has a ton of recipes in it and articles that tell you the benefits of eating certain foods.
  • Ha, I forgot that we have frozen blueberries. Thanks for the reminder. I need to grab different kinds of nuts to snack on.
  • First of all, you need to eat foods with more fiber and more protein. Eat eggs instead of Coco Wheat. You can do an omelet with two eggs and two egg whites with some ham. Snack on vegetables, such as baby carrots, when you are hungry. Vegetables have less calories than other foods. Fruit is tempting but an apple is 80…
  • Niceville, Florida, United States
  • I'm close. I'll be 29 in June.
  • I'm not positive but I am pretty sure it can. What I have noticed is that I am more exhausted when I wake up now than I was before I started working out. I can take a nap but I still wake up feeling like I should be in a coma.
  • Does this apply to ALL three levels? I see people are saying 180 calories for 20 minutes is pretty accurate. I just did my first exercise on level one (and let me tell you, I didn't sweat but man I was so dizzy afterwards!) and I would imagine that each level would be more difficult. Wouldn't your burn more calories on the…
  • I listen to a lot of techno and dance remixes when I work out. It is fast paced so it is easy for me to keep a steady pace with the beat.
  • These are great ideas. I do to go a gym. I figure, I am top heavy and don't have much of a waist. Maybe firming up the butt would help with an overall body shape :) I'll have to look up what some of these moves are. I've never heard of dead lifts, among some of the others. I do live by the beach, but I'll save running…
  • Honestly, I listen to techno/dance. It is upbeat and the beat is something I try to match my pace with. The beat doesn't change so I am able to keep a good heart rate with it.
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm looking for support and motivation :)
  • No exercise is "worthless" exercise. What your doctor meant to say is that it probably isn't enough to see results. We are supposed to take an average of 10,000 steps a day. I think (don't quote me on this) that it is supposed to translate to 2 miles a day. Every doctor says you need twenty minutes of nonstop aerobics…
  • I don't weigh myself during my period. I think it is a general rule with us women, although I'm not really sure if us menstruating causes a change in our weight. I do know to weigh myself first thing in the morning, nude, after I've had my first urination and before I eat or drink anything.
  • I'm looking for the same thing. Friends on here to keep me motivated and whom I can cheer on.
  • I don't know if anyone else mentioned it but coupons is the way to go. You aren't going to really be able to use them for healthy stuff. The best you can do is buy what is on sale or in season. Coupons are great for other things. I would try to steer clear of processed foods, even though most coupons are for that, but you…