Hi I'm 5'5" and am currently 140lbs after coming off some migraine meds saw me put on 3/4 stone rather quickly, and now nothing fits. I'd like to be back at 126lbs where I was a year or two ago.
Thanks for your story, you were beautiful to start with and you are beautiful and happier now! Well done, you are totally inspirational!
Great stuff, Jennify! I am a week and a half into it and have lost 3lbs so far! I'll send you a friend request too. It looks promising this program!
That is truly fantastic and inspirational, and you look great in that bikini already! Well done :-) I am impressed you did it so quickly too! Brilliant! Thank you for posting!
You look more toned as well, and I bet your clothes are looser with that inch loss! Great stuff, you are an inspiration. Thanks for posting :-)
I agree with Actiontime. I am just into my second week of TF and dieting as best I can, and my shirt this morning is one that wouldn't do up properly a fortnight ago, ie before I started! I am hoping the scales will start to show a difference soon too. I was really sore the first few days, something awful, but its not so…
Sun and exercise both help. Wish you luck on the sunshine, we haven't any here (NE England)! Have a better day, glad you got your meds back :-)
Sorry to hear that. And don't think its lame or "for some reason". Its your body chemicals out of wack, not you. It happens to us all. And its rubbish because when we feel down we haven't the perspective to see it for what it is, but it all turns inwards on ourselves. So here's some perspective, and some virtual hugs (((((…
Hi I'm Collyermum and live in the UK. I have 4 children including a son with Asperger's and twins. I love to play musical instruments (I have studied/am studying 5 different ones) I love Birman cats and have a Birman kitten at the moment, hence the profile pic, and I also like to play computer games when I have the time…
Hi I'm just starting this week! Never done any kind of DVD workout before, just running and weights, but having seen lots of youtube videos I think this looks great!
Hi I'm from the North East and although I've had MyfitnessPal for a while I've only just discovered these message boards. I'm planning to start Turbofire this week. I'm a SAHM to 4 kids, my youngest are 6 and twins. They keep me busy but not enough to lose the weight. I'd like to lose about a stone.