Naeou Member


  • Slim fast tricks your metabolism with sugar, it doesnt adjust it. Once you are off the slim fast your body will realized it was starved the whole time and you will gain back the weight you lost as it tries to compensate. If you want real results you will need to change your lifestyle, there is no cheating around it. The…
  • U upload them to a site like, and that while give u a link for the photo that is compatible with forums, it should have brackets like [/img], same idea as how posts are quoted :) GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!
  • Zumba makes me forget i'm exercising! I was introduced to Zumba in my PE class in highschool, i became so addicted, i couldnt get the music out of my head, when the workout ended i didnt want to stop, i wanted to keep going, and thats why i chose to buy Zumba over Insanity, although Insanity gave me faster results, i would…
  • I didnt think stats and goals were relevant to my question, but now thinking about it it sorta is. I'm not over weight, im 19, 5ft 4in, and before university is was 118lb and after uni i didnt weigh myself, but there is definately fat in places there wasnt before! My weight fluxuated through highschool due to how effective…
  • Okay thanks guys! I guess if i end my day without feeling like i'm starving and with a bit off a deficit, thats not too bad!