Zumba weight loss?



    BRANDYGR8MOVES Posts: 87 Member
    i'm new here i bought zumba but didnt realize that my arthritis in my knees was so bad so i cant hop and jump around but i do march and try to get my arms and upper body going ive been only doing it 3 days and can tell my energy level has boosted greatly
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I have been Zumba twice a week for almost 12 months and even though I haven't lost any significant weight directly from it, it has improved my fitness so much! I never used to be able to run anywhere or bike, and now I can run a 9 minute miles and can do 2.5 miles in a run :) which for me a MASSIVE achievement, now that I am eating healthier I think Zumba will have a more direct effect on weight loss (now that I am more focused). It also made me love to be active - I think my instructor has a lot to do with it as well, she is a fantastic teacher :) I would recommend it anyone!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I love Zumba, I have lost weight doing it. I haven't done it for a few weeks, because I started doing a boot camp video trying to get more strength training in and this past week, I have been doing some pilates moves to help with stomach.
    But, reading this makes me want to do Zumba, so I think I am going to do it today.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    started zumba 6 months ago and lost 27lbs because of it... very happy
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Love Zumba! It is exercise in disguise!!

    I wouldn' t attribute my 14lb loss in one month to just Zumba, but it has certainly helped :smile:
  • anamika59
    anamika59 Posts: 37
    started zumba 6 months ago and lost 27lbs because of it... very happy

    wow, thats great. Congratulations!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i'm new here i bought zumba but didnt realize that my arthritis in my knees was so bad so i cant hop and jump around but i do march and try to get my arms and upper body going ive been only doing it 3 days and can tell my energy level has boosted greatly

    I do Aqua Zumba for the same reason. My knees especially my left can't handle the jumps and the quick knee twists. But in the water it is completely different. I can do everything but if I did have water shoes I might have better grip on the pool floor.
    With Aqua Zumba and all the other bits of exercise I have been doing though my legs and knees are considerably stronger so hopefully soon I will be doing it in a studio because Aqua Zumba is only done twice a week at my pool. I would do it every day if I could ! 45 mins passes by so quickly

    As for losing weight it is hard to tell because I have so many other things along side A.Zumba but I am definitely stronger in the legs from pushing through the water.
  • gemironova
    I used to do Zumba classes once or twice a week and wasn't really watching my diet too much so the results were minimal. Recently I bought the Zumba Exhilarate DVDs and have been doing it for 2 weeks now along with a healthy diet (and I am not starving, but I am making sure I have a calorie deficit between what I eat and my Zumba workout). Today is day 15 and I weighed myself this morning... I am now 7.5 pounds down!! I love Zumba and together with a healthy diet I feel like I can really achieve my weight loss goals and get healthy!!
  • mommahopz
    mommahopz Posts: 5 Member
    Just started Zumba...did it three times this week...love it! Watching what I eat, drinking lots of water - 5 lbs so far...yeah!
  • Naeou
    Naeou Posts: 7 Member
    Zumba makes me forget i'm exercising! I was introduced to Zumba in my PE class in highschool, i became so addicted, i couldnt get the music out of my head, when the workout ended i didnt want to stop, i wanted to keep going, and thats why i chose to buy Zumba over Insanity, although Insanity gave me faster results, i would prefered to have fun while i work out! I'm a canadian latina, so this also helped me get back to my roots!
  • tomich54
    tomich54 Posts: 99 Member
    I started logging MFP last June, started doing Zumba in late July. Up until December it was my main excercise. I do it 3 times a week for an hour, and now I have incorporated weights, and other cardio into my routine. Still doing Zumba 3 times a week. I truly believe that along w/ watching what I eat, that Zumba is responsible for most of the weight I've lost :love:
  • bharris78
    bharris78 Posts: 25 Member
    Is anyone doing the home videos?
  • slc_denver13
    slc_denver13 Posts: 8 Member
    I just bought the Zumba fitness DVD's and reading your post is making me excited about starting to use them! When did you begin to add other forms of exercise to your routine?
  • Liliansamata
    Liliansamata Posts: 102 Member
    Hi there,

    For those of you that Zumba do you wear a HRM so you know what you are burning? I'm thinking of ordering the dvds for my birthday but just wanted to know how you calculated your calories burnt..


    I wear a HRM doing Zumba. I do two Zumba classes a week with different instructors. Wednesday last week I burnt 497 calories, the next day I burnt 628 calories. Calories burnt depends on how energetic and intense the classes are.????