

  • Yes it is, although, I feel that should be as low as you go otherwise you might risk entering starvation mode. For that 200 extra calories have a banana or 2 or a handul of nuts.
  • Thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments. Will certainly go swimming once a week and have started to do a couple of sessions of weights a week. Currently I have the ratio set to 5 days Cardio and 2 days weights. I still need to lose more weight as i want to get slimmer.
  • Yes, I would be interested to hear the replies to this one. I have a feeling it is right at the end of your weight loss, because you will find that it might halt your progress and also might get you to start putting weight back on.
  • Thanks sugarbone. :O)
  • Thank you all for your posts. I will listen to my body and ensure I stay under my goal, but feel happy within myself.
  • Its tough and I feel sorry for you, but don't be down. The good thing is, you have realised and can come back stronger and sort it out. I think you need to focus on the mental aspect of the diet - get it stuck in your head and make it a way of life for you. That way, when the target is reached, you keep it up. Good luck…
  • Hey, don't despair, I am having the same issue too and you know what? Its fine to be shorter than your goal. So long as you are not 400 - 500 shorter then its ok. My daily calorie goal is 1700, but frequently I am finishing up on 1400 - 1500. Just leave it there, it will help you burn more off. Also, as you lose weight,…
  • I usually just take the individual ingredients and the sauces add them on, then add 10% to be sure. Better to over judge than under, eh?
  • Good luck! I am sure you will do well as it seems you have the determination. One tip I have is make sure you drink around 8 cups of water a day (2 litres roughly) to help flush your system out, but also it helps you feel full and less wanting of a snack. 1200 calories can get you very far. For a man it is different I…
  • Cheers Jesung. Yes, I tried to make sure its in the morning before I have a shower and after I've been to the loo. I guess I will have to leave it for a weekly cycle.
  • Thanks for the explanation. That is a great idea! I think what I will do is weigh myself on the same day every week and then try and expand it to a month.
  • Well done! It's all about the dedication and the motivation. The hardest part (getting started) is way past over. You have to keep that going and it should be straight forward if you stick to your routine! Good luck!
  • Keep up the good work on the food and exercise count. Seems like you are doing a great job. The only thing I would say is that with the weight training, you might see a slower rate of weight loss as muscle is heavier than fat. What this will mean is that your weight won't come down as quickly as it might, but EVENTUALLY,…