marzekiel Member


  • PS can someone tell me what the -553.3 and -1106.5 means on my ticker?
  • I don't really believe anything is totally accurate. But I love to see the map of where I went on my walks, cuz I think gadgets are pretty cool. My major measure of my successes is my scale. Next, is my clothes. If I'm lighter and tighter, I'm succeeding at my fitness and my weight release.
  • Guddie, I'm with you 100%. My fitbit has a lotta quirks, but I wear it and refer to it almost religiously! My weight gain was exacerbated by thyroid treatment together with HC. And, with the FB and LoseIt and MFP, I've gotten rid of it. I especially like seeing the sleep measure (of course, it only measures movement, but…
  • I've used my fitbit for a long time, and it motivates me every day. I track my sleep too (well, it measures how much you roll around in bed, depending on where you place it, and steps if you get up to go to the loo). Mine was replaced (cracked) and I had another one, so for several days I wore all three for a transition to…
    in FitBit Comment by marzekiel April 2012
  • Fitbit friends are great to have, but in reality, they are "competitors." It's set up so you can see if you can best their score of steps. There's no communication between friends, and, if you want someone to write to you privately, you have to post your email on a public forum (all the fitbit community fora are public)…
  • I cannot speak to whether the shorts will help your pain. However, I'm assuming, because you say your bike is a cruiser, your pain is in your butt or tailbone? If that is so, and you're trying to avoid that coccyx pain. either raise your seat or lower your handlebars or both. If you have a bit of a lean over, your tailbone…
  • I'm 5'3" and, for the past month or so, my weight has vascillated from 127.5 to 134. Last year, I was up to 163.5, so I'm happy to be down in this weight range, BUT I want to go lower. At least, I want to get thinner so long as my face doesn't make me look ancient, haggard, or cadaverous. When I was younger (like your ages…
  • I've been using mine since September, and it was the initial motivator for my weight release of 35 lbs. It made me mindful and aware of what I was doing--how active and inactive I was. That turned into my increasing activity. I do NOT use it for "weight" advice or input (hey, it's a hardware gadget company!), and the…
  • I prefer "Labrada LeanBody for Her" because it has 30gr protein and I can to my "4-hour-Body" 30 grains as fast as possible after awakening. It is effective for me. In the past, I really liked Atkins drinks, but for several months, no matter where I bought them, they were curdled. Atkins sent me a few free coupons, but I…