5'2" women w/ a goal of 110-115. Lets motivate each other!



  • tinydreams
    5'2 GOAL WEIGHT 95LBS-100LBS ADD ME :)

    i dont know anything about losing body fat :(
  • JenMarie17
    I am 5', 160 lbs with a goal weight of 110 lbs. I need to get back into shape not only to feel good about myself but for health reasons as well. Need some major motivation and tips. I know it needs to be done but having a hard time adjusting to the lifestyle change, or rather getting started.
  • calendula34
    So glad I found this thread--thank you janeite1990 for bumping it! I'm 156 cm (5'1.5") and, assuming the five-pounds-in-three-days gain I just experienced was due to my @$%$ing period, have been stuck at 54-odd kg (~119 lbs) for months now, with occasional dips to 115-114 that never seem to last. I actually don't much care about the number on the scale, but I know I feel leaner down around 114/5, my hips, butt and thighs have been making me nuts for months now, and I'm hell-bent on getting some results down there in time for summer!

    Since I want to lean out, rather than just slash my bodyweight, I'm currently focusing on staying within the calories suggested by MFP (1200/day) while getting enough protein (which I fail pretty hard at most days) and adding more intense interval/strength workouts to my daily 40-60 minutes of walking. Anyone else care to share their plan of attack? I feel like short women have such different needs from most people trying to lose weight, it's helpful to compare notes with people of a similar size...
  • marzekiel
    marzekiel Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'3" and, for the past month or so, my weight has vascillated from 127.5 to 134. Last year, I was up to 163.5, so I'm happy to be down in this weight range, BUT I want to go lower. At least, I want to get thinner so long as my face doesn't make me look ancient, haggard, or cadaverous.

    When I was younger (like your ages probably) I weighed between 110 and 118. I don't know if I can get back there, but I want to aim for it.
  • 12333beth
    12333beth Posts: 31
    im 135lbs, getting down to 112 somebody motivate meeeeeeeeeeee! Im a chocoholic! bdsjxcnm :)X
  • calendula34
    "im 135lbs, getting down to 112 somebody motivate meeeeeeeeeeee! Im a chocoholic! bdsjxcnm :)X"

    I, too, lurve me some chocolate. Everyone's tastes are different of course, but have you tried bars/chocolates with a higher (i.e., >70%) cacao content? I find that the darker the chocolate is, the less I want to eat before I'm satisfied. My current favorite is the Lindt 90% bar--after about 2 squares I can't even contemplate having more!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 5' 1.5" (yes that 1/2 inch is important :)) and fluctuate between 105 and 110 lbs. I found that once I started a running program those last few lbs came off, even when I ate back all or most of my exercise calories. I'm still running but also working on toning with various dvds and classes at the gym or sometimes just body weight exercises if I cant get to a gym. I found good body weight exercises on the Nerd Fitness site and also on a smartphone app called Workout Trainer. I'm finally starting to see some muscle definition in new areas like my arms and thighs and my abs feel tighter.

    I feel like smaller women get a double whammy - we get fewer calories to fuel our bodies and we burn fewer calories for doing the exact same exercises. Oh well, if it was easy then everyone would be fit, right?

    Good luck on your journey, add me if you think we can help each other!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips. 80 calories for 16 chips and the portion is really more satisfying than it sounds!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    I would say just step up the strength training. Toning can define so much!!! I have a picture of a girl on facebook who weighs the same after 90 days on a challenge i'm on, and she looks so different because she is so much more toned. Don't give up. You look beautiful!!!
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    hi, im 5"2 (18 years old) and currently weighing 110 but want to get down to 100 pounds..My highest was 134 pounds. add me if u want :)
  • harpermollie
    try graze boxes http://www.graze.com/ you can order ones with chocolate in them and then u rnt eating too much of it and it fills u up :)