

  • I guess it is just hard to comprehend that eating that many calories actually helps lose weight. I've understood the concept, but being a big girl, the last thing I want to do is inhale those calories and then not lose the weight. I've always had binging issues growing up and anytime I ate too much I was ridiculed by…
  • As lulucat24 mentioned, Wheat Belly answers a ton of questions. After reading that book, you begin to understand why so many individuals have become intolerant to wheat products. I tested it out to see if all the findings about wheat were true, and for me, they were. Anytime I eat wheat bread, i'm starving an hour later.…
  • Years ago in my teens I quit soda, as I was drinking so much of it.. However, I replaced it with sweet tea. Over 10 years later (about 3 years ago) I picked it back up. I just liked it during a meal .If it wasn't soda it was sweet tea. I would drinnk a lot during the weekend to make a mixed drink and it was just getting to…
  • Hi Carriem73, I have the same issue except i'm much bigger than you are. I went to herroom.com, because I saw a recommendation for the Panache (sp?) sports bra. It was super expensive, but it had awesome reviews for bigger girls. It's supposed to hold it all in like the Enell, but it's almost as expensive. I ended up not…
  • Hi, I don't know if this would be something you would like or if you have heard of it, but have you tried bodyrock.tv? The workouts are killer and intense and usually require no equipment. The are short. They can range from 4 minutes up to 20 minutes. They are based on the tabata protocol of interval training, so it really…
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