hellokatee Member


  • ENDOMONDO!!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Try avocado, nuts, or a protein shake. Also, try to plan ahead, know how many calories you are going to burn for the day, and plan your meals accordingly. That way you can spread all of your calories out throughout the day and not be stuck with a bunch at the end of the day. :smile:
  • I read your question again and thought I would actually answer it. You are under your goal by 1459, but you deficit is already calculated in for the day. So today you are probably at around a 2459 calorie deficit, which probably isn't very good for you! But that wasn't your question, was it??? :laugh:
  • MyFitnessPal calculates your deficit (the number of calories you need to cut from your maintenance calories in order to lose weight) into your daily goal for you. When you eat, you are slowly working towards that goal of 1,200 calories throughout the day. BUT if you eat 1,200 calories and then exercise and burn 1,400…
  • Hottest: 102 degrees. I went on a five mile run that was really hilly and I ended up stopping to get sick about halfway through. I kept running until the end though, because I get a little psycho about "finishing" my runs. Coldest: 17 degrees. All I can say is burrrrrr. :embarassed:
  • AHAHAHAHAHA!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I had to laugh, but I'm so sorry! I think you deserve a vending machine snack today!
  • I would not log it at all. If I know that I'm going to be doing VIGOROUS cleaning I put my HRM on.... But other then that I count it as fairly normal daily activity. Not to mention that practically ALL of MFPs exercise calories are off.
  • Per BATCH. If you look below it shows the stats per serving. :laugh:
  • I would definitely agree if you add a LITTLE more peanut butter than half a cup. They are little too bitter with the unsweetened chocolate and so little peanut butter. I personally prefer A LOT more peanut butter than this, but for the sake of calories, I have cut back. :tongue:
  • You look amazing! Congratulations and good luck with Turbo Fire!!! :smile:
  • I wear two as well. One just doesn't cut it no matter what bra I buy!!!
  • This morning I put on my favorite work pants (one of the only pairs I have at the moment that aren't too small) and they were loose! I know that in no time I will be fitting back in to my skinny pants... And then even smaller sizes as I go! :smile:
  • I get extremely irritated with it always being the raw weight. If I brown a bunch of ground turkey and weigh it before, do I have to cook mine separately just so I know how much I am eating? It's not a big deal for chicken breast, steak, or pork, but in the instance of ground meat it is SUPER frustrating. :mad: :mad:
  • Another excellent reason to subtract normal burn from your workout. I LOVE my HRM and I personally believe it's accurate, although the BodyBugg could be more so, that's not really my place to say. If it WERE off, you would be overestimating your burn by even MORE if you didn't subtract your normal daily burn that MFP…
  • I know it's a little exact, but it only takes a few moments and if you work out a lot it can make a difference of hundreds of calories per day! If people are wondering why they aren't losing their 2 pounds per week, this could be why. Going over by 100-200 calories per day definitely sets you back!
  • Yes! I subtract the amount of calories MFP already adds in for me... So for instance, say my HRM says I burned 411 calories while running on the treadmill. I would take the amount of calories MFP says I burn in a day, which you can find if you hit GOALS, and divide that by the number of minutes in a day (1440), giving me…
  • Yes! And your pants won't wear down between your thighs! That always happens to me with my work slacks, they get all weird looking where my thighs meet. I can't wait to be in the same boat. :wink: :wink:
  • Awesome, what a great accomplishment! :)
  • Panera salads have a max of 500 calories for a full size, although the sodium is OUT OF CONTROL! I eat that when I feel like eating out. Subway has an unholy amount of sodium as well. But for these moments when we don't want to cook, it will do. :smile:
  • I personally buy the plain Greek yogurt, Trader Joe's brand. I add a little bit of honey and some granola. Usually around 195 calories for breakfast. :smile:
  • I buy the plain Greek yogurt and add honey myself! It really cuts down the sugar! And I have never worried about the carbs in it... But that's just me. :laugh:
  • 36 pounds is great! Keep it up and I'm sure you will feel like a million dollars in no time! Don't get yourself down about your weight! Just think about how healthy you are becoming and how you probably extended your life just by losing these first 36 pounds! You should be so proud of yourself! I'm definitely proud of you!…
  • The only thing I can recommend when looking at your diary is possibly cutting down your sodium intake! Water retention due to high sodium intake could definitely be effecting the scale! :smile:
  • Heart Rate Monitors are only able to calculate calories expended when you are at a fitness level heart rate. They calculate the calories expended using a series of mathematic equations that just don't work when you are at a resting heart rate. You would have to purchase a BodyBugg or something similar to calculate daily…
  • Honestly? Tell your mom to give you the medication or you will call the police. And if you don't want the honey in your eyes, don't sit there and take it. Move away. Unless she is tackling you to the ground, pinning you down, and pouring it in... I think it's probably preventable. And I definitely was not trying to be…
  • I am the same way. It's all or nothing. That is why I HAVE to cut processed sugars out of my diet completely, or I will eat a whole thing of Haagen Daz or two Milky Ways or a whole box of cookies. It's like the instant something sweet hits my tongue, I become a bottomless pit. Yikes!
  • If you can fit it in your calories and it doesn't put you over in everything, I say go for it as a treat! Sounds pretty good to me!
  • I burned upwards of 300 calories, I weigh 199 and I'm 5'7''. I use a heart rate monitor.
  • Nuts! I have No Added Salt mixed nuts, almonds, and pecan praline granola! Or avocado! :smile:
  • SAY NO TO THE BINGO WINGS! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: