Mootpoint Member


  • A lady on the tube offered me her seat; she had assumed I was pregnant! The embarrassment of having to reply that that wasn't the case . . .
  • From the UK so clothes sizings are slightly different to the US :-) Am 5' 4.5". At present am 11 stone ( 154 lbs) and am wearing UK size 12. I have a 29" waist at the moment. At my lightest was 8 stone (112) and wore between a size 6 and size 8 (UK) At the heaviest was 13' 9" (191 lbs) and was wearing a UK size 18 to 20.
  • From the UK so clothes sizings are slightly different to the US :-) Am 5' 4.5". At present am 11 stones ( 154 lbs) and am wearing UK size 12. I have a 29" waist at the moment. At my lightest was 8 stone (112) and wore between a size 6 and size 8 (UK) At the heaviest was 13' 9" (191 lbs) and was wearing a UK size 18 to 20.
  • Vegetarian since 1982, vegan since 2007 :-). There are lots of us here!
  • Oh, yes indeedy, food allergies do appear to be on the rise; but as someone stated earlier I think it's due to us all being more aware. I do have very bad reactions to certain foods - especially dairy (one of the reasons for my veganism;-) ) but in a restaurant if asked I will always say 'vegan' first, rather than…
  • May I suggest to one and all that you google "murderball" (or wheelchair rugby if you like). Thanks.
  • Had this earlier in the year. The dentist advised a routine ( though I suspect you should ask your dentist first) of paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately at four hour intervals. It helped a little - but the pain was horrid. Couldn't sleep or eat for about three to four days. Ended up going to the emergency dentist who…
  • Answer to no 3 - Coconut milk/cream is pretty good for soups . . . :-D. . To no 5. Yes, it is acceptable. Either that or let your host know in advance that you are vegan ;-). To no 4. Ah, the protein nonsense. There really are plenty of substitutes out there - all sorts of foodstuffs, including simple things like peas and…
  • Was a 36FF, now a 30G - which means it's all boob . . . . A loss of about 7 lbs will alter your bra size, though - just saying. ;-)
  • Som decent recipes here: Obviously they use pure, but you can always substitute it. :-)
  • Nuts, too. Almonds are pretty good, as are sunflower seeds :-) Try here for some advice:
  • People don't necessarily go vegetarian for purely ethical reasons. Some are allergic to certain meats, others do not like the taste- and there are those who have religious beliefs that exempt meats/fishes/ seafood etc., from their diet. There are of course those who are veggie for the obvious ethical considerations, too…
  • @houseofcarpen - my ASD son had the same difficulty during the first two years of mainstream senior school - not a fun time! We finally decided (the school and us and various agencies) that he should be part-time; which is what happens now. It works for him as he always has someone with him in the school lessons he does…
  • Hello! I have a son with Asperger's (with elements of ADD and anxiety disorder) and dyspraxia, a daughter who is Growth Hormone Deficient, asthmatic and hypoglycaemic; my youngest is severely asthmatic and my eldest son who was diagnosed as clinically hyperactive but is now borderline hyperactive. Seems there a quite a few…