going vegetarian.



  • ZebraBri
    ZebraBri Posts: 60
    Those who became vegetarians or pescatarians- did you notice changes in your body and weight loss when you switched over? Just curious, I've also been thinking about this.
  • Those who became vegetarians or pescatarians- did you notice changes in your body and weight loss when you switched over? Just curious, I've also been thinking about this.

    this is pretty much the main reason i'm trying it for a bit.
  • ZebraBri
    ZebraBri Posts: 60
    Those who became vegetarians or pescatarians- did you notice changes in your body and weight loss when you switched over? Just curious, I've also been thinking about this.

    this is pretty much the main reason i'm trying it for a bit.
    Yeah, there is this one girl on Tumblr who lost 106 pounds, and becoming vegetarian she claimed help (besides exercising like a beast!), but I guess it's different for some people, so I might try it too. :) But I really like meat, especially chicken and fish haha!
  • loobybooby82
    loobybooby82 Posts: 17 Member
    As above, My skin is the same as before and I put on 3 stone intitally but the excessive tiredness has gone and now its working out.
    An egg is unfertilised so it was never an animal to begin with so you are not eating a 'chick'. Whether its for the sake of the animals or the sake of your diet, you're making a postive change. Well done and good luck with it all. x
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    That would technically be a pescatarian (eating fish but no other meats).

    I went vegetarian recently and it wasn't hard at all. Of course I love a protein smoothie in the morning and a chocolate protein shake at night so that resolves the one pressing issue around vegetarian eating, but I know many vegetarians do just fine in the proteins they get from foods.

    What concerns do you have?
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I dont get it...

    an egg is a chick! How can they eat it?

    Sorry im kinda lost on this topic lol

    Actually, no, not really. Hens lay eggs whether they're fertilized or not. Places that sell eggs (even the free range ones) are selling you unfertilized eggs. No potential chicks there at all - even uneaten, there's nothing there to make a chick.
  • Maiello1970
    Maiello1970 Posts: 73 Member
    I dont get it...

    an egg is a chick! How can they eat it?

    Sorry im kinda lost on this topic lol

    I totally agree!!!!
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    For the question about whether "you notice it in your body or weight by switching to a vegetarian diet" the answer is yes. My daughter and I did it for Earth Day in April, a 30 day thing. And she and I both decided we felt so much better that we stayed vegetarian. I don't have that full feeling after eating, I don't bloat, my weight hasn't changed too much, down a couple of pounds, but my clothes are fitting better and I hadn't started my exercise program. So I think it is a good thing. Sure being new to this way of eating, sometimes I resort to take out pizza (bloating and fullness feeling comes into play here) but for the most part it has been great and it is really easy to make a stir fry, couscous or grilled veggies for dinner without a lot of thought.
  • Mootpoint
    Mootpoint Posts: 14 Member
    People don't necessarily go vegetarian for purely ethical reasons. Some are allergic to certain meats, others do not like the taste- and there are those who have religious beliefs that exempt meats/fishes/ seafood etc., from their diet. There are of course those who are veggie for the obvious ethical considerations, too ;-).

    I've been veggie since 1982 and vegan from 2007 (a sudden and unexpected allergy towards dairy produce as well as the obvious ) - the veganism meant an initial loss of two stones (28 lbs) but since then I've put some of that back on!

    So I would say that as long as your diet is relatively well-balanced you should lose a little bit:-).
  • That would technically be a pescatarian (eating fish but no other meats).

    I went vegetarian recently and it wasn't hard at all. Of course I love a protein smoothie in the morning and a chocolate protein shake at night so that resolves the one pressing issue around vegetarian eating, but I know many vegetarians do just fine in the proteins they get from foods.

    What concerns do you have?

    Pretty much just making sure I get all the necessary nutrients and what not. I'm also looking or new snacks to try out as well.
  • I was a vegetarian for many years and am now a mostly-vegetarian omnivore. I recommend getting a copy of Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian" (the library might have it). It has a lot of great ideas for easy vegetarian meals and is written by a non-vegetarian. It's my favorite cookbook to recommend to new vegetarians because he is clearly writing for an audience that might be new to vegetarianism.

    You could also check out vegetariantimes.com or Cooking Light, which has a lot of vegetarian recipes.

    Be aware that it is just as easy to eat unhealthy food on a vegetarian diet as it is on one that includes meat, and really easy to eat a lot of processed food (frozen veggie burgers are just so easy to make). At it's best though, going vegetarian, even for a short time, can introduce you to a lot of new healthy foods that you haven't had before and/or help you learn to prepare foods you have had before in new ways -- bringing things that were at the side of the plate out to the center. Good Luck!

    thank you! i also want to say that i Love that your profile picture is an adipose!
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I've gone veggie + fish for months at a time with no issues at all... found I ate MUCH healthier (especially when traveling or eating out) and lost about 5 pounds in the first month or so. Just track your macros. I didn't really use meat substitutes (except for blackbean burgers which I love and don't think of as subbing for meat). I ate a lot of eggs, greek yogurt, beans, hummus, veggies, fruit, cottage cheese, soups and salads. I still don't eat meat all the time; feel free to add me if you want to see my diary.