Need some advice/motivation from vegans!


I have been a vegetarian for about 6 years. I did this mostly for ethical reasons and was pleased to see 30 pounds melt away after I made that decision to cut all meat from my diet. Fastforward through college with lots of beer and pizza and no exercise and that 30 pounds is back and it brought another 70 with it! I've recently begun tracking my food more regularly on MFP and have found that most of my high calorie/high fat/high sugar foods all have one thing in common...eggs and dairy! Let's see cheese, ice cream, sour cream, cheese, baked goods, oh and did I mention anything with copious amounts of CHEESE?!

Ethically, I am completely on board with the reasons to finally make the transition to vegan. I just have some things I need to address with hopefully the help of some lovely MFP pals!

1. It has taken me 6 years to convince my carnivorous family that it's okay for me to not eat meat. I can't imagine how they will react if I say adios to the lacto and the ovo as well.
2. I always wonder about hidden animal byproducts in foods ("enzymes" and such). Any other terms I should be on the lookout for when I'm shopping?
3. I love making creamy soups...with cream. Any tricks on how to make something creamy and vegan friendly?
4. A lot of my protein comes from dairy right now. I try to consume little soy because it messes with my estrogen levels. Any other good substitutes?
5. Parties and Events. I'm rather social. Everytime I go to a party there are barely any vegetarian options let alone vegan. Do you find it appropriate for me to bring my own meal or snacks to social gatherings? Have you done this and what were reactions?
6. Oooh, if you have the time I'd appreciate your favorite Vegan recipe as well!
7. Do I have to grow dreadlocks and stop shaving my legs? Just kidding, my fiance wanted me to write that. He thinks he's a comedian.

I'll appreciate anybody's advice and motivation on this topic!

Thanks in advance!




  • abigailhaze
    abigailhaze Posts: 8 Member
  • abigailhaze
    abigailhaze Posts: 8 Member
    Any helpful vegans out there?
  • LunaHare
    LunaHare Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there,

    I have been vegan for 7 years now and vege since I was 3. I LOVED cheese. But actually once I made the transition I never found it difficult at all. At first all I did (I was at uni) was get an organic veg box once a week and based my meals around that, so lots of stir fries and stews etc. with brown rice or quinoa. Lunches generally were tofu or falafel with pita bread, humous and sprouted seeds and beans.

    Now I find it so simple, even eating out. You'll find that a lot of places will accomadate you if you let them know in advance, and theres always salad and veg :)

    Something to make sure of though is that you take a multi vit for vitamin D, B12, Calcium and Iron. I take one from solgar that is great, and I also use a hemp protein powder for shakes which is amazing too.

    I have tried loads of milk substitutes and I'm not a massive fan of soya either for the reasons you state, so I now use Oat milk which I think is great.

    Good luck with your journey-just make sure you don't just eat things just because you find a vegan option-I used to be so bad at that with chocolates etc...!
  • abigailhaze
    abigailhaze Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there,

    I have been vegan for 7 years now and vege since I was 3. I LOVED cheese. But actually once I made the transition I never found it difficult at all. At first all I did (I was at uni) was get an organic veg box once a week and based my meals around that, so lots of stir fries and stews etc. with brown rice or quinoa. Lunches generally were tofu or falafel with pita bread, humous and sprouted seeds and beans.

    Now I find it so simple, even eating out. You'll find that a lot of places will accomadate you if you let them know in advance, and theres always salad and veg :)

    Something to make sure of though is that you take a multi vit for vitamin D, B12, Calcium and Iron. I take one from solgar that is great, and I also use a hemp protein powder for shakes which is amazing too.

    I have tried loads of milk substitutes and I'm not a massive fan of soya either for the reasons you state, so I now use Oat milk which I think is great.

    Good luck with your journey-just make sure you don't just eat things just because you find a vegan option-I used to be so bad at that with chocolates etc...!

    Thanks so much! Are there any plant based sources of B12?
  • Mootpoint
    Mootpoint Posts: 14 Member
    Answer to no 3 - Coconut milk/cream is pretty good for soups . . . :-D. .

    To no 5. Yes, it is acceptable. Either that or let your host know in advance that you are vegan ;-).

    To no 4. Ah, the protein nonsense. There really are plenty of substitutes out there - all sorts of foodstuffs, including simple things like peas and beans!

    To no 1 - They'll just have to cope with it - mine had to! lol. ;-)

    To no 2 - try and get hold of something similar to the animal free shopper, but as a general rule look out for anything that contains gelatine, honey, shellac, cochineal, beeswax, lactose etc., There are some E numbers you should watch out for, too. Think there's a site actually that will tell you which e-numbers are suitable for vegans/vegetarians . . .

    no 6: Don't have a favourite. If it's something I really like that can be adapted then that's what I will do . .

    Hope that helps a wee bit. Pretty sure others on here will be more comprehensive :-D
  • abigailhaze
    abigailhaze Posts: 8 Member
    Answer to no 3 - Coconut milk/cream is pretty good for soups . . . :-D. .

    To no 5. Yes, it is acceptable. Either that or let your host know in advance that you are vegan ;-).

    To no 4. Ah, the protein nonsense. There really are plenty of substitutes out there - all sorts of foodstuffs, including simple things like peas and beans!

    To no 1 - They'll just have to cope with it - mine had to! lol. ;-)

    To no 2 - try and get hold of something similar to the animal free shopper, but as a general rule look out for anything that contains gelatine, honey, shellac, cochineal, beeswax, lactose etc., There are some E numbers you should watch out for, too. Think there's a site actually that will tell you which e-numbers are suitable for vegans/vegetarians . . .

    no 6: Don't have a favourite. If it's something I really like that can be adapted then that's what I will do . .

    Hope that helps a wee bit. Pretty sure others on here will be more comprehensive :-D

    Thank you so much for taking the time. I will certainly research which e-numbers are suitable...I never thought to look into that!
  • Yea since I live in a different state and usually just visit on the weekends I get away with it during the week. :)