doublew98 Member


  • I have been looking at the Flex, as it seems you can wear it in the pool right? I do a lot of swimming. Does it track calories burned while doing different types of activity or only step-based activities like a traditional pedometer? I want something that can monitor all the activities I do (swimming, cycling, running,…
  • I had not heard of them until a few weeks ago when I had a PT session at the gym and my instructor added them to my program. When I came to do the program for the first time on my own I was merrily burpie-ing away when I suddenly saw 2 feet appear behind me, and my instructor was there yelling "chest on the floor!!" (I was…
    in Burpees? Comment by doublew98 May 2013
  • MFP's sugar targets are misleading in my opinion because I think they are based on refined (added sugar) but all sugars count towards your target (even naturally occurring sugar in fruit). According to the UK GDA amounts, women should aim for no more than 90g a day and men no more than 120g a day.
  • I think the target levels set by MFP are misleading. I think that the targets are for refined sugars but MFP counts all sugar (even naturally occurring in fruit etc). So it always looks like you are going over your target. According to UK Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs), women should aim for no more than 90g of sugar a day…