No fitbits ANYWHERE... must be awesome?



  • peachyfuture
    peachyfuture Posts: 16 Member
    Have you tried Amazon? I just checked, and there is no notation of a waiting period. I like mine -- but it flashes these little messages at me "Let's Go!" "You're Awesome!", etc. -- and then it flashes "FALSE." Anyone else have that? Is this gadget blowing smoke up my skirt and then repenting?????

    This made me lol. I hope not.
  • JoQuinn523
    JoQuinn523 Posts: 68 Member
    Have you tried Amazon? I just checked, and there is no notation of a waiting period. I like mine -- but it flashes these little messages at me "Let's Go!" "You're Awesome!", etc. -- and then it flashes "FALSE." Anyone else have that? Is this gadget blowing smoke up my skirt and then repenting?????

    I have a flex and I love it- you don't have to log calories burned in and it counts all my steps - my goal is 10,000 a day
    it really shows when I am doing nothing but sitting around and it motivates me to get up and get my steps,calories and miles in
    for the day- My flex does not flash little messages but does vibrate when I hit my goals =)
  • JoQuinn523
    JoQuinn523 Posts: 68 Member
    I went from the Ultra to the Flex..have had a couple days and I like!
    It was a bit disappointing to not have the detailed feedback on-screen, but you can see what rough percentage you have completed, and I sync throughout the day so can check my stats on dashboard.
    I also don't have any stairs to climb, so I won't miss that.
    What I DO like, is that once it's on I can keep it on. I was notorious for setting the Ultra down and forgetting where I put it. Or it fell behind something. Or I left it in a pocket. The Flex I put on and forget about it except to charge every few days.
    Being able to wear in the shower, at the beach, in the pool, all big pluses!
    Edit: I use the FitBit for my daily activity, and use a Polar HRM during workouts and running.
    I agree with Matt_C... I love my Flex ... I think it is more accurate than just logging workouts in on MFP
    I love the dashboard and I compete with myself to go above my goals =)
  • doublew98
    doublew98 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been looking at the Flex, as it seems you can wear it in the pool right? I do a lot of swimming.

    Does it track calories burned while doing different types of activity or only step-based activities like a traditional pedometer? I want something that can monitor all the activities I do (swimming, cycling, running, dancing, resistance exercises, general walking) and tell me how many calories I have burned in a day. Will the Flex cope with all of that or is there a different device that would suit better? (The swimming seems to be the limitation from the research I've done so far as not many devices can be worn in the water)

    Also, can you sync the data multiple times in one day or do you have to do each day all at once (at the end of the day)? I go to the gym in the mornings and I like to log my exercise when I get back, before I start logging my foods, so that I know how many extra calories from exercise I have to spend.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I got my Fitbit Zip for only $43 on Amazon and I really like it! I'd say it's worth it for ~$50, but NOT for $100 (the "more features" models).

    The only drawback is that they don't calculate workout calories burned properly unless you're strictly walking or running, but that should be obvious. Rather than spending $100 on the "better" FitBit, I'd recommend getting a Zip for $45 and a Polar heart rate monitor for workouts for $65. That's $110 for all the tools you need- encourage activity all day long, but also get a more accurate read on your workouts and input them separately. Fitbit lets you do that, and you input the time you worked out (ex. 5:40-6:20pm) so it doesn't double track.

    The few added features on the higher models are absolutely not worth paying double- I just don't care about sleep tracking, and I already take the stairs as much as possible just to get the steps. Plus, I can wear the Zip on my bra- not sure if the other models would work as well there.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Honest appraisal here:

    When I first got it I liked it and found it motivating, in that I wanted to beat the previous day's steps/miles. Very quickly though, I found it to be just a fancy pedometer. I could do the treadmill at a 15% incline, or the stairstepper for 30 minutes, and received NO credit for flights of stairs. I often use a large exercise ball in place of a chair at work (for core strengthening) and because I can tend to bounce a little on the chair, I was racking up steps that I wasn't taking. If you sync it with MFP, it tends to give you incorrect calorie burned data (always too much or too little).In my humble opinion, use your money to invest in a nice HRM (Polar is an awesome one). I used my Polar FT4 and the Fit Bit together for 3 weeks and found the calorie burn data was always different...usually fit bit gave me too many.

    I agree. I experienced similar problems. I have a bodymedia link and find it a lot more accurate. It can tell if you are putting in more effort due to altititue, heat, sweat, activity level, etc. Fitbit just calculates based on how many steps you take in the day / flights in the day.
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    If your talking about the Flex - everywhere seems to be "pre-ordering" or backordered.

    Best dates I found were this month, between 5/17/13 & 5/25/13 ( /

    Even FitBit's home site has a 6-8 week backorder,
    Brookstone was shipping by the end of the month.
    Best Buy has it but won't let the order go thru due backorder,
    Amazon & Ebay are charging STUPID amounts - like almost twice the price.

    I went thru - got free shipping & found a coupon code for $5 off, plus I've dealt with them before (nice company good shipping times) they take PayPal and CC's. They are supposed to ship by 5/25/13.

    Thanks! I will check that out. And yeah, Amazon and Ebay people are ridiculous. I would never pay twice what something is worth because of a backorder!