abigailV91 Member


  • I think he's kind of being a jerk. If you're with him it shouldn't matter who else will be there. And he should know that you always look your best.....
  • I did that with the bag of M&Ms Linda bought me. My diet totally crashes when I'm with Matt, I just lose control and eat how much he eats, I hate it!!
  • I'm 5'5'', I was just 194 last month and my goal weight is 135. Before I gained all this weight I weighed 145 and I looked like I only needed to lose ten more pounds so 135 is a good goal for a girl who is 5'5''. Good luck!
  • My friend has a scale from weight watchers and it measures your body fat % along with pounds of body fat, bone mass, BMI and water %. Weight as well... I've never had my body fat measured with tools before, so I wouldn't know much about that. The numbers don't sound too far off though.
  • Wow, that IS really interesting. It makes sense that all that food is bulked up through out all the intestines. That's really gross though. And there's so much extra person there! It's like two people, I guess I could say that gives me motivation to not look that way or feel how that person must be feeling.
  • Yes! I don't go out at 5 in the morning because I stay up a little late sometimes but I go out for a run usually around 9am or 10. I agree about it making you feel great for the rest of the day. If you wait until later in the day you're feeling groggy and a little drained from the whole day's activities, but when you do…
  • I have a HUGE problem with cravings a lot too. I try to stay busy with something and eventually it takes my mind off of food. I've read in different articles that drinking a lot of water keeps you full, it doesn't really work for me. Sometimes it does, but usually that's only if I eat something and drink a lot of water…
  • I saw a commercial for those chocolate muffin top things and nearly died!
  • I have the same problem sometimes. I've been on it for about a year and a half now. But I've also been on either 2 or 3 different pills. They all have different effects on different people. I suggest talking to your doctor and switching pills.