Can't resist the M&Ms

I can't resist the Dark Chocolate M&Ms I bought last night... and the coupon I had requiring I buy 2 bags didn't help...

But I can control the little buggers! I grabbed the food scale and a box of snack size baggies and re-bagged all those little monsters into single serving bags and clearly wrote their calorie count on each bag.
And I know I'll think twice now before grabbing the bag to have 'just a few'


  • abigailV91
    abigailV91 Posts: 14 Member
    I did that with the bag of M&Ms Linda bought me. My diet totally crashes when I'm with Matt, I just lose control and eat how much he eats, I hate it!!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    I don't like that this thing doesn't let me know when someone has replied :)