

  • You don't want to know what I am going as. Bad taste!
  • I have 11... ears mostly, conch, tragus (which was the most painful) and lip. Just started wearing my lip bar again after 2+ years. My holes don't close up, luckily.
  • Depends what time you're getting up? If you're waking up late, your body will be in starvation mode and will store your breakfast because it won't know when it's next getting food. All I know is - it is better to eat regularly and get into a routine. I eat later than 7, but that is because of the hours I work, and gym…
  • Hi. I too suffer from the unfriendly asthma. Yours does sound very bad and it is probably best you just rest up. Remember to eat healthy because that is all you can do. I hope you're back up and running again soon Natty x
  • I'm going to do this! But I don't own any scales because I think weighing yourself every day (as my colleage at work does) and getting exited about losing 1lb (which is a wee) is silly. I will let you know if my clothes get loose!
  • Hi. I'm a newbie to this website, and also a vegie - 12 years. If you have any tips for a low-fat but high energy (as I am dancing 3 days a week) vegie diet please let me know. I'm trying to shed some pounds. Thanks