piercings; <3.



  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I have gauges in my ears, then 2 more above them, my left tragus, my right rook, my lip, bellybutton, horizontal piercing under my bellybutton and my hip...I love all of them! I def wouldn't be myself without them :-)
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    One in each ear. I can still get a stud in my nose, but my tongue and cartilage closed up. I think men with erm.... Special piercings are really hot.
  • theportkey
    theportkey Posts: 52 Member
    Ears... nose and my eyebrow which is my favourite :love:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have one, a belly button ring. My husband hates it, but I got it as a graduation gift for my Master's degree for myself. It makes me feel sexy, so I'm keeping it, even if I don't have a flat stomach like Britney Spears.:-P

  • I have 11... ears mostly, conch, tragus (which was the most painful) and lip. Just started wearing my lip bar again after 2+ years. My holes don't close up, luckily.
  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Ok had no idea what the piercings you where talking about. (Looks whistfully into the past and thinks, I was 1 of the first to see a real Prince Albert and have my brow done.) Just looked up dermals and they're so pretty. I'm too old and money goes on my tats . . . .squeals of delight.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    3 in each ear, nose and hhp. And you'd never know it by looking at sweet little innocent me. :blushing:
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    because I had no idea what you guys were talking about:


    Except Liz, who usually gets frisked at metal detectors.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    5mm lobes, regular 2nd and 3rd lobes, nostril, navel (don't like it but feel too weird whenever I take it out!). That's it now. I've had and retired my rook and a whole bunch of helix piercings. I'm planning on a few more ear piercings - maybe conch, maybe give my rook another go, but I often find them hard to heal. I wanted my tongue done but I have a huge vein that makes it impossible :(
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    because I had no idea what you guys were talking about:


    Except Liz, who usually gets frisked at metal detectors.

    Hahaha! Maybe i like getting frisked...
  • Ears, two cartilage, conch, tragus, rook, and nose.. Then I moved on to tattoos!
  • Littlemouse1973
    Littlemouse1973 Posts: 21 Member
    Just my tongue, and I figured out after I broke a tooth that I need a 14 gauge bar, no bigger. Had my ears pierced twice but they never healed properly no matter how clean I kept them. I really want my lady parts pierced but I am too chicken...
  • jo2907
    jo2907 Posts: 69 Member
    I have my belly button peirced, top and bottom, i've had them for over 10 years now! i would love to be able to have a slinky sexy body again and be able to show off my peircings again, but i am just to flabby at the moment :cry:
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Naval ears and used to have my tongue pierced, I had it for yrs then had to take it out for dental reasons
  • ear lobes, industrial in left ear, inner conch in right ear, nose, tongue, nipples, belly button, and my, um . . . lady parts. :blushing:
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    I don't mind but I don't understand piercings. Doesn't it hurt and become cumbersome? :frown:
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    have had 8 piercings and wear no jewlery now...i guess i just got too old...lol...tongue was the hardest to deal with, had it for about two years and took it out during a nap one afternoon(i dont remember why) and my oldest son(he was like 8 or so at the time) took it, and when i was looking for it he said i didnt need it and that it was ugly and it hurt me, so he took it and threw it outside...never had another one again...ironically this is the same child who has asked for a tatoo for his 18th birthday...lol...not just any tatoo, one that i designed that is about 8 inches by 12 inches...lol
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I have about 4 holes......had 8 before.

    Don't often put anything in em.

    You can figure out where.
  • laylina
    laylina Posts: 50
    I have....
    ears just normal lobes
    next up a tat or 2 :smile:
  • Smiley, tragus, right cartilage, second on right, and firsts at 2 gauge.