Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Week 4 definitely sounds do-able! Although I have to say I'm a little frustrated. The scale hasn't really moved for me yet. The only thing I can think of is that this past weekend wasn't my best lol. One of my good friends was in town from out of state, I had a wedding reception to go to, and a family reunion with a buffet of food! So maybe that's why I haven't seen it get any lower. I'm going to cut out drinking for a while (which I hadn't done much of since summer has been over except for last weekend) maybe that will help.

    If i don't see any change next week I may try to zig-zag. Has anyone done this when the have NOT been on a plateau?
  • tamiwinters1
    500 jumping jacks done, 11 miles down..eating all my veggies everyday:smile:

    I need some help:
    I'm going on holidays next wednesday for 2.5 weeks...I'll still have access to internet, but I don't know how faithful I'll be! Anyone want to take care of the challenges until I get back? I'll be back home on Nov 8th. Send me a message if you are willing to do this...I've already got all of the challenges jotted down for the remaining weeks, or you can make up your own.


    What would that entail? I can help you, but am limited on time. Let me know if I can help and how, ok? :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Hey Ladies!! How did everyone do with this weeks challenge? I got all 700 jumping jacks done, and 14 miles in. Still not feeling overly good about weighing tomorrow:( Here is our next challenge....

    WEEK 4
    - workout 3-5 times this week...add on an extra 10 minutes to your usual workout time
    - do 50 crunches everyday this week
    - no junk food this week(gonna be a tough week for me!!)

    Thank you Stormiel for agreeing to post challenges for the next few weeks:):flowerforyou:

    I did about 50% of the challenge (I know - "booooo!") - But I ate lots of veggies and really worked on tracking. I had to weigh in today because I will be out of town tomorrow. I lost 2 pounds this week! :)
  • mountiewife
    [I did about 50% of the challenge (I know - "booooo!") - But I ate lots of veggies and really worked on tracking. I had to weigh in today because I will be out of town tomorrow. I lost 2 pounds this week! :)
    50% is better than 0%:) Great job on the loss!!!! I hope I can move my ticker tomorrow...
    Thanks so much for the offer to help, but StormieL will be posting for the next few weeks
  • mountiewife
    Week 4 definitely sounds do-able! Although I have to say I'm a little frustrated. The scale hasn't really moved for me yet. The only thing I can think of is that this past weekend wasn't my best lol. One of my good friends was in town from out of state, I had a wedding reception to go to, and a family reunion with a buffet of food! So maybe that's why I haven't seen it get any lower. I'm going to cut out drinking for a while (which I hadn't done much of since summer has been over except for last weekend) maybe that will help.

    If i don't see any change next week I may try to zig-zag. Has anyone done this when the have NOT been on a plateau?
    I'm not seeing much change either...I haven't tried zig-zaging, let us know how that goes. I think I need to cut out drinking too(after I come back from holidays:devil: )
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    well I'm glad the jumping jacks are over :tongue: I think this weeks challenge is definitely doable. I lost five pounds this week (I've just started out so I'm sure I'll plateau soon and things will get hard)

    Good luck for the coming week.
  • harley_rose
    Lost 1 lbs, but no jumping jacks for me bladder can't do those, but did start HIIT training this week. I ate my raw vegetables all week..Got 9.5 miles in out of 12 miles, not too bad...
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I did some of my jumping jacks, but not all of them. Did about 16 miles. I ate a fair amount of veggies, although I don't think I managed raw ones every day. :p

    I stayed under my calorie goal every day and exercised, and still managed to GAIN 2 lbs. this week. Ugh. It better be water weight. :p

    No junk food? At all?? But...I have Oreos in the house! ;) I don't think I can do all the crunches, but I'll do as many as I can.
  • katyalaniz
    Weigh-in Friday!!! I lost 2.8 pounds this past week - the first actual loss in a while! Hallelujah!
  • mountiewife
    Down 1 Lb this week....slowly creeping my way out of the 170's!! I think I need to eat a few more calories..the slimfast shakes didn't work this past week, although it was easy because I didn't have to think about breakfast or lunch:)
    Great job on the losses ladies!!!
    @Trillian- don't sweat it...looks like you've had a good week-16 miles, that's fantastic:):) It will come off, are you eating enough calories? The no junk part of the challenge is going to be bad..but I really need to learn to stay away from it, wish I didn't like it so much!!!
    Good Luck this week everyone!!! XO
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    No weight loss for me this week. I'm consoling myself with the fact that I don't have a digital scale (have a $ scale lol) and am only set to lose .8 lb/week, so it "shouldn't" show up this week, but next week should show another pound down. I hope! I got the 12+ miles in before it started raining and raining and raining......bleck. Since then all I've wanted to do is sleep!

    I ate veggies until I ran out, but got groceries on Weds and keep cooking my veggies since then - but I think I counted 5 cups of raw veggies this week, so close. I got 400 jumping jacks in. I usually don't do any, so the challenges are good for me!


    Have a great vacation, prairienewf! We'll be looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back, and we'll try to make you proud! :D
  • nattytude
    I'm going to do this! But I don't own any scales because I think weighing yourself every day (as my colleage at work does) and getting exited about losing 1lb (which is a wee) is silly. I will let you know if my clothes get loose!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    10/8: 0 jumping jacks / 0.8 miles
    10/9: 0 jumping jacks / 2.2 miles
    10/10: 150 jumping jacks / 1.8 miles
    10/11: 150 jumping jacks / 3.2 miles
    10/12: 150 jumping jacks / 2 miles
    10/13: 0 jumping jacks / 1.5 miles

    I didn't do any jumping jacks yesterday because I worked really hard in the gym Wednesday and yesterday and was feeling some soreness, so I just opted out. Also have 11.5 miles in, might do something today, I'm not sure. I'm not weighing in today either. I was pulling out of my drive way on my way to class this morning when I found my oldest dog dead. Someone ran her over :cry: so my weight is the least thing on my mind today.
  • lauraelisedavis
    Good job to everyone who lost this week!! :D

    Yup thats right I GAINED 2 pounds!!! I am an expert yo yoer! UGH frustrating. I am off to do my jumping jacks and get some miles in and eat healthier!!
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    10/8: 0 jumping jacks / 0.8 miles
    10/9: 0 jumping jacks / 2.2 miles
    10/10: 150 jumping jacks / 1.8 miles
    10/11: 150 jumping jacks / 3.2 miles
    10/12: 150 jumping jacks / 2 miles
    10/13: 0 jumping jacks / 1.5 miles

    I didn't do any jumping jacks yesterday because I worked really hard in the gym Wednesday and yesterday and was feeling some soreness, so I just opted out. Also have 11.5 miles in, might do something today, I'm not sure. I'm not weighing in today either. I was pulling out of my drive way on my way to class this morning when I found my oldest dog dead. Someone ran her over :cry: so my weight is the least thing on my mind today.
    I am so sorry. :(
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    @Trillian- don't sweat it...looks like you've had a good week-16 miles, that's fantastic:):) It will come off, are you eating enough calories? The no junk part of the challenge is going to be bad..but I really need to learn to stay away from it, wish I didn't like it so much!!!
    Good Luck this week everyone!!! XO
    Yeah, I'm not that far under on my calories, so I know I'm eating enough. And the junk food...I got back from my lunchtime walk and one of my co-workers had bought me a cookie from the bakery next door and left it on my desk. Argh! That sucker is going in my bag and going home to my kids. ;)
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Amberness89, I am so sorry about your dog!
  • mountiewife
    Amberness89- sorry to hear about your dog..I know how hard that is, I lost my beloved friend of 14 years a while back:(
  • tamiwinters1
    No weight loss for me this week. I'm consoling myself with the fact that I don't have a digital scale (have a $ scale lol) and am only set to lose .8 lb/week, so it "shouldn't" show up this week, but next week should show another pound down. I hope! I got the 12+ miles in before it started raining and raining and raining......bleck. Since then all I've wanted to do is sleep!

    I ate veggies until I ran out, but got groceries on Weds and keep cooking my veggies since then - but I think I counted 5 cups of raw veggies this week, so close. I got 400 jumping jacks in. I usually don't do any, so the challenges are good for me!


    Have a great vacation, prairienewf! We'll be looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back, and we'll try to make you proud! :D

    It will come off - we all have weeks where the numbers don't show up. That doesn't mean you aren't losing inches. Plus, you may have had more sodium before the weigh in and in turn retained some water weight. Hang in there - you are doing great! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    10/8: 0 jumping jacks / 0.8 miles
    10/9: 0 jumping jacks / 2.2 miles
    10/10: 150 jumping jacks / 1.8 miles
    10/11: 150 jumping jacks / 3.2 miles
    10/12: 150 jumping jacks / 2 miles
    10/13: 0 jumping jacks / 1.5 miles

    I didn't do any jumping jacks yesterday because I worked really hard in the gym Wednesday and yesterday and was feeling some soreness, so I just opted out. Also have 11.5 miles in, might do something today, I'm not sure. I'm not weighing in today either. I was pulling out of my drive way on my way to class this morning when I found my oldest dog dead. Someone ran her over :cry: so my weight is the least thing on my mind today.
    I am so sorry. :(
    So sorry for your loss! :(