Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • tamiwinters1
    Good job to everyone who lost this week!! :D

    Yup thats right I GAINED 2 pounds!!! I am an expert yo yoer! UGH frustrating. I am off to do my jumping jacks and get some miles in and eat healthier!!

    Take it from a pro yo-yoer - just get back on the wagon and work hard - it will come off! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Down 1 Lb this week....slowly creeping my way out of the 170's!! I think I need to eat a few more calories..the slimfast shakes didn't work this past week, although it was easy because I didn't have to think about breakfast or lunch:)
    Great job on the losses ladies!!!
    @Trillian- don't sweat it...looks like you've had a good week-16 miles, that's fantastic:):) It will come off, are you eating enough calories? The no junk part of the challenge is going to be bad..but I really need to learn to stay away from it, wish I didn't like it so much!!!
    Good Luck this week everyone!!! XO

    Good work! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Hey Ladies!! How did everyone do with this weeks challenge? I got all 700 jumping jacks done, and 14 miles in. Still not feeling overly good about weighing tomorrow:( Here is our next challenge....

    WEEK 4
    - workout 3-5 times this week...add on an extra 10 minutes to your usual workout time
    - do 50 crunches everyday this week
    - no junk food this week(gonna be a tough week for me!!)

    Thank you Stormiel for agreeing to post challenges for the next few weeks:):flowerforyou:

    Ok - I'm down! Crunches... UGH! My least favorite! Exactly why I should do them! :) Good luck everyone! :)
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Lost 1/2 lb this week, which is good for me...seem to keep losing/gaining the same pound!! :)

    Did all the jumping jacks!!

    I did 11.6, wish I would've looked at my chart before I did my last workout so I would've known I was just barely short!! Oh well, live and learn!! :D

    The junk food challenge is a good one...hope I can do it!!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • mountiewife
    Options I've done my 50 crunches for the past 3 days( and I must say that I DESPISE them!!) Didn't get any cardio in today, because I spent the best part of my day at the rink (oh season has started again!) And I went Wayyyy over on my sodium intake for today! I'll do better tomorrow:)
  • tamiwinters1
    Options I've done my 50 crunches for the past 3 days( and I must say that I DESPISE them!!) Didn't get any cardio in today, because I spent the best part of my day at the rink (oh season has started again!) And I went Wayyyy over on my sodium intake for today! I'll do better tomorrow:)

    I HATE HATE HATE crunches!!! :( LOL! I have a big belly, so I keep thinking that once some of that fat is out of the way, maybe they won't be so stinking hard to do. LOL! :)
  • mountiewife
    Been an okay week so far, not getting in much for workouts...just walking the dogs & doing my crunches. Been so busy trying to get laundry done, house cleaned and ready to go! Leaving late tonight to catch an early morning flight. I'll be gone for 2.5 weeks, but I'll try to log in everyday, just to try to keep myself on track....good luck ladies!! XO
  • meliwins
    meliwins Posts: 3 Member
    Can I join in too? Gotta get my butt in gear again. Joined the site last year but found out I was expecting again but now that the Jellybean is over 6 months old, I have no excuses.

    Have a safe flight prarienewf. Can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get back but first I'll give you a call today before you go. When we get together next we'll celebrate our losses with tea instead of a beer or two. :smile:
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week. I'll post next weeks Challenge sometime tomorrow. She's set us another good one :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    So this weeks challenge is

    1. Try interval training this week (30 minutes 3-5 times)
    2. do 50-100 bicep curls everyday using weights, soup cans, water bottles or whatever you have at home.
    3 .try to have your net calories consumed as close to your daily calorie goal as possible

    can't wait to see everyone's weight loss from this week and good luck for the week ahead :happy:
  • tamiwinters1
    Hello Everyone,

    So this weeks challenge is

    1. Try interval training this week (30 minutes 3-5 times)
    2. do 50-100 bicep curls everyday using weights, soup cans, water bottles or whatever you have at home.
    3 .try to have your net calories consumed as close to your daily calorie goal as possible

    can't wait to see everyone's weight loss from this week and good luck for the week ahead :happy:

    Early weigh in - will be gone tomorrow. Lost 2 pounds this week :) I like this weeks challenge - I don't do enough interval training. It will be good for me. Good luck everyone! :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    well done Tami. hope this week goes just as well for you
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Weighing in tomorrow after my first week of zig-zagging!!
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    two pounds this week.
  • harley_rose
    I lost 1.6lbs this week... slowly making it there...
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello all! I'm down 7 lbs this week (so down the 2 that I gained last week, plus another 5.) I stayed away from junk food - if anyone looked at my food diary and saw cheesecake on there a couple times, it was a healthy recipe from a Weight Watchers cookbook ;) I think I did some sort of exercise every day...or maybe 6 out of the 7. We've had some rain so some of the workouts were shorter than usual instead of longer though. I can't really do longer when I walk at lunchtime - I already walk the entire 60 minutes when it's not raining. :) I must confess I did not do ANY of the crunches though. :p
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    down 2.6 this morning!!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    down 2 pounds from last Friday. Yay!!!!!!!!

    So, why did my jeans come out of the wash feeling a little tighter??
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Well done ladies :happy:

    So this morning I did a Davina Cardio Box dvd for my interval training. So in the summer when I was trying to do it I like died during the cardio interval part..this morning I did it and totally rocked the full minute. Feeling good today :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Hello all! I'm down 7 lbs this week (so down the 2 that I gained last week, plus another 5.) I stayed away from junk food - if anyone looked at my food diary and saw cheesecake on there a couple times, it was a healthy recipe from a Weight Watchers cookbook ;) I think I did some sort of exercise every day...or maybe 6 out of the 7. We've had some rain so some of the workouts were shorter than usual instead of longer though. I can't really do longer when I walk at lunchtime - I already walk the entire 60 minutes when it's not raining. :) I must confess I did not do ANY of the crunches though. :p

    ROCK STAR!!!!! Awesome work!! :)