Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    This group is getting so big, it's awesome!!! One of my friends is getting back on MFP...not sure if she will join the boards or not but I'm still excited for her!!

    I did treadmill intervals today. Usually i do 5 min at 5.7/5.8 then 5 min at 6.0 for 25 min. Today I wanted to switch it up so I did a little warm up (about 3 min) then did 1 min at 6.5 then stopped for 30 seconds, for about 20 min. It went by SO fast!!
  • mountiewife
    Good job kkauz43!!
    @charleyplackett- welcome!!!

    Ok is next weeks challenge.....

    -walk, run, bike 12 miles this week( or as many as you can!)
    -do 100 jumping jacks everyday this week
    -eat at least 1 serving of raw veggies each day

    That's it...good luck this week everyone, weigh in tomorrow!
  • lauraelisedavis
    Woooohooo! I lost TWO pounds! I am so excited and I can't wait to start the new challenge! I do not think I will be working out today I am so sore. I do have tremendous guilt over this so... I WILL do my 100 squats and maybe go for a walk/hobble! :)
    Heres to jumping jacks, 12 miles, and greens!!

    Hahahahahahahah as I wrote this I just realized today is not friday! Whoops! Don't mind me and my wishful thinking...I will re weigh-in in the morning... maybe I will be down more????

  • mountiewife
    WTG Laura!!! That's excellent...I don't think I've lost anything this week...we'll see tomorrow I guess:)
    All squats done, water accounted for..ready to move on to the next challenge!!! XOXO
  • charleyplackett
    OK my starting weight today is 173.5 lbs. Looking forward to a great week starting with a spinning session follwed by 100 jumping jacks!
  • arat123
    arat123 Posts: 13 Member
    Delighted today. Lost 3.4lbs this week so over the moon. Here goes the jumping jacks and going for a 2 mile walk. at lunch time. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • harley_rose
    Well I didn't lose any weight but didn't gain, I know I shouldn't make up excuse not to exercise but I have been really busy this week with preparing my daughter baby shower for Saturday
  • Cyabvear
    A little late and new, but I'm in. At Christmas when I go home I want my family to be suprised. :]
  • kell_riley
    Drum roll please!!!! I lost a grand total of........................... Zero lbs and zero oz!

    But considering the week I've had with food I'm quite pleased it wasn't a gain!
    Moving on to this week! I doubt I'll be able to fit 12 miles in but I'll defiantly be upping my exercise!

    Good luck guys and well done on your losses!
  • katyalaniz
    Well, I didn't lose anything, but it's the first week in a while that I haven't gained anything! I'll be pleased with that, and strive for a loss next week!
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Lost 4.5 lbs this week! So excited!

    Looking forward to this week's challenges. Done 25 jumping jacks so far today, and have a salad for lunch today. :)
  • mountiewife
    Awesome job on the losses ladies!!!!! I lost nothing this week..but I didn't gain either so I guess I should be happy with that(but I'm not:grumble: ) I think I'm going to change up my diet this week...I don't really know what to be doing anymore...any of you ever use slimfast? I'm going to try it this week and see what happens. Have a great day everyone!! XOXO

    @cyabvear- welcome & good luck!!
  • lauraelisedavis
    Awesome job ladies!! i am loving this group. I officially lost 2 pounds of this morning! I am ready to start a new challenge and loose more! I am off to do my jumping jacks and get some miles in, oh and eat some veggies!
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Congrats to everybody on their losses!!!!

    I weighed in this morn 2lbs down although it will take another 1 to move my ticker! I got it this next week!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Wow, everyone is doing fantastic! I lost one pound, down to 139......130 by Christmas is looking doable!!!

    I didn't get 700 squats in for the week, but a lot more than I have EVER done before, so I'll count that as a win. I'm back to drinking water as my go-to drink rather than diet soda. I'm allowing myself one soda a day and not until after the first 8 glasses of water are down, so that helps a ton.

    Now for this week:

    -walk, run, bike 12 miles this week( or as many as you can!)
    -do 100 jumping jacks everyday this week
    -eat at least 1 serving of raw veggies each day

    I took my first grader for a half mile walk on our lunch break and will be walking as much as I can, even if I have to add it up one half mile at a time! I did my 100 jumping jacks right after my aerobics dvd, and salad for lunch makes it a good start to the week!

    Thanks for all your work on this, prairienewf! It is soooo helpful to work together on these things!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I was such a total slacker this past week. Who knew how tiring it would be to transition yourself from vacation/conference mode back to studying-every-second-you're-awake/9-hr work shifts/no-more-maragrillas-and-hurricanes-for-you mode?? I'm actually involved in another challenge where we're doing 50 jumping jacks, so I'm going to TRY to accomplish 150 every day ..... TRY being the keyword here.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Okay... THis week I'm weighing in at 138 pounds. I expect that to drop next week as today was the absolutely worst day of the month for me to weigh in!!!

    I should have no problem with the distance for this week. (I walk to work every day (when not raining) and walk on my lunch break every day too. The jumping jacks, will be tough,(They make me pee my pants :blushing: )

    Raw veggies everyday, I think I can do that!!!
  • foodluver27
    This may be a stupid question but how do I join this group? I am definitely up for the challenge :smile: Started a few weeks ago and my starting weight was 177lbs now I am down to 171 :) Just didn't know how to join the group...this is my first challenge to try.
  • tamiwinters1
    I have been sick, but I am feeling better and ready to get back at it! I haven't lost any weight this week - still at 155
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    6 lbs this week. Started the jumping jacks, they're evil lol and I'm almost 3 miles through my twelve. Good luck to every one hope it's a good week!