RobynJoy76 Member


  • I love SoyBoy Okara Courage Burger and we have some local folks who hand make different bean varieties that are super tasty. I'm not a fan of mushrooms and get really bummed out that a lot of restaurants assume that a portabello mushroom is a suitable dinner (no offense to those who suggested grilling one as a burger, but…
  • Leafy greens and quinoa!
  • The Fit Bit is really awesome for avoiding confusion with this. I highly recommend it. I burn a lot more calories just walking around than I thought.
  • I just became vegetarian at the beginning of the year. It's been a challenge, both because I really like the taste of meat and I want it, and because I don't tolerate gluten very well. I cut out all animals (but not eggs or dairy) because, after 35 years of living, I quite suddenly started feeling very guilty and sad. I…
  • I have been vegetarian for about a month and a half and am not great at digesting gluten and am finding this all to be a real challenge. My fiance has been vegetarian for most of his life but subsists on pizza, bagels and veggie burgers. I'm not awesome at cooking and my dinners used to consist of a nice healthy chunk of…
  • I've recently become vegetarian and it's been a real challenge for me to find things to eat because I'm sort of a meat and green veggies kind of girl. I like to stick to the rule of If you can't pronounce the ingredients, stay away from it. Eating whole and organic is your best bet to a healthy diet but even organic ready…
  • Legumes are good if you pair them with rice to get a complete protein. But that is why quinoa is so great - it is a complete protein on it's own! Also, if you allow dairy, organic nonfat greek yogurt is a super awesome snack.
  • I haven't watched this video but isn't the paleo diet just a hipster/yuppie Atkins diet? I am very willing to stand corrected.
  • I never really considered the naturally occurring growth hormones but that is a really good point. The synthetic ones make it way worse because in addition to the additional hormones there is also antibiotics and pus in our milk as a result, but the fact is,cow milk is for baby cows, not humans. And then with all the…
  • Pizza, beer and bourbon dark chocolate cupcakes. YUM!!
  • I eat one egg almost every morning with whatever veggies and cheeses we have in the fridge and sometimes with some brown rice mixed in. I would feel bad wasting the yolk to just eat whites and they are so yummy! I sometimes eat a hard boiled during the day and I love them in all their varieties. I could probably eat them…
  • Even light beers have a lot more calories than liquor. Liquor is the way to go, especially clear ones. Vodka with Seltzer is the lowest calorie drink I can think of. Tonic and other mixers have a lot of hidden sugars and calories. Add a lemon or lime slice if you need flavor, or better yet, have a flavored vodka. And some…
  • I just finished 30DS and it was a great workout, I think I got stronger and my endurance improved but I didn't lose any pounds or inches. I was extremely sore for the first three days and then my shins hurt through level two but that all stopped by level three. I honestly had to follow the modifications for a lot of level…