needit Member


  • Im in the same situation as you almost everyday is a constant struggle for me with this...but maybe for you the problem may be not eating enough during the day and to much excersise... ? Some days i can have control but other days no matter how hard i try i just end up binging.
    in Food Addict Comment by needit July 2015
  • id like to join please
  • thanks for your reply ...yea ive seen some videos online stating when you want to binge just ignore it let your mind go on and on but just sit and ignore it and it will pass ...dodnt do anything about it. It does work sometimes but not always . I keep messing up and starting over.
  • no i dodnt want to reduce excerise ...maybe just do less squats/not do squats change my eating any other suggestions
  • how did you manage to get out of the cycle ..i feel like this is my issue i restrict alot
  • Yea that definitly is true i workout alot ...and alot of the times wont eat for hours untill i workout leading to a binge ...really need to fix this i just cant seem to get myself to do so =/
  • i actually read the symptoms of pirifiormis syndrome and it sounds just like what i have, im hoping this passes soon .
  • well according to my physical therapist it is a sciatic nerve , however i have yet to get an mir or xray, im thinking to to see a orthopedic doctor maybe. Yea im not running now i just really miss it. I have done yoga in thhe past before so maybe ill come back to it. Thank you.
  • well i carry my extra heavy bag on that side but i switched sides, i have gotten physical therapy and its somewhat helping , and the foam roller hasn't helped much but Ive been using it . I miss running so much =[ trying to wait it out.
  • bump
  • thankx everyone yea im taking another rest day