scatic nerve /pain?

needit Posts: 31 Member
Hi so i'am used to be very active like id run a lot, do weights,stair master ....currently however i am in pain on my left side whenever i try to run so i haven't ran for about 3 weeks now,has anyone ever dealt with such an issue. when did u return to running, i'm taking time of so ill do some elliptical which is so boring to me and stair master at times but slower than usual. Anyone else feel my pain and want to to give any advice thanx.


  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    well i carry my extra heavy bag on that side but i switched sides, i have gotten physical therapy and its somewhat helping , and the foam roller hasn't helped much but Ive been using it . I miss running so much =[ trying to wait it out.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It could be piriformus syndrome. I suffer from it when I increase my mileage and do too many hills. The first time it happened, I went to a PT and that helped. Now, when it happens, I do a variety of things like ice, stretch, work on my core more and do the tennis ball method. I would definitely look it up and also see a doctor. I also try to cut back on the running until it feels better.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    If it is your sciatic nerve, I highly recommend yoga. I hurt my sciatic doing lawnmower pulls during P90 about 6 years ago. The combination of running and yoga has me back to about 99.5% (I can still feel some soreness in that hip about one day every other month).
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    well according to my physical therapist it is a sciatic nerve , however i have yet to get an mir or xray, im thinking to to see a orthopedic doctor maybe. Yea im not running now i just really miss it. I have done yoga in thhe past before so maybe ill come back to it. Thank you.
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    i actually read the symptoms of pirifiormis syndrome and it sounds just like what i have, im hoping this passes soon .