

  • I celebrate!! My doctor told me that it is absolutely not necessary to eat the extra calories that you burn to just stick to the 1200 or whatever your daily is. She said that if I go over every once in awhile that is fine because the exercise calories are keeping me in line, but I would gain weight like crazy if I ate that…
  • all scales weigh differently! I recently found out my doctor got a new scale because the one they used forever was not functioning properly any more...also alway weigh on the same scale. If you want to go with the one at work then set yours at home so that it matches, otherwise just always weigh at work! you can do it!…
  • count me in too! it's not always easy but if you make it a priority it will work! I am on my way to losing 50+ pounds myself...feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I love my bran muffin recipe but it is far from low carb/low calorie!!
    in bran muffin Comment by jlvand July 2010
  • use this website it is awesome!! watch what you eat and how active you are. It can be frustrating at times but you can do it!! eat smaller portions and eat more frequently. Set goals that you can accomplish, when you reach them do a happy dance and then set a new goal! Good luck!
  • I'm not doing this as a "crash diet" and I am still getting all the appropriate calories and nutrients my body needs but thanks so much for bashing my trying to make my body healthier...Maybe no one has ever told you that doing a cleanse is a good thing for your digestive health.
  • Thanks for all the imput . I am doing the saltwater flush and the lax tea. I am very honestly doing it this time "by the book" because I want to rid my body of the toxins and get ready for some weight loss! I am pretty sure now that I am just retaining water from the salt...but it is frustrating.. I am on day 4 and have…
  • I ordered mine today!! I'm in!! let's kick some ......
  • Turbo Jam cardio party is awesome and FUN! and it is already listed under the exercises, under kickboxing