Master Cleanse??

Hi everyone! I am fairly new to MFP and I am addicted to it...I love how it is making me accountable for keeping track of everything I do. I have been at a standstill on my weightloss recently and am very frustrated so I decided to try doing the master cleanse, which is supposed to totally flush out your system and in reality get rid of excess fat and waste and toxins and one should typically lose a bunch of weight just by doing that.

You do the cleanse for 10 days, only drinking a lemonade concoction. You eat nothing else for the 10 days because the lemonade and other ingredients contain everything your body needs. I like the lemonade and I have not been hungry (I WANT to eat everything in sight just because I can't) but I am not hungry.

The problem is I am GAINING weight! The cleanse is flushing me out like it is supposed to. Has anyone else ever done this cleanse?? What were your results??


  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I didn't hear you mention the salt water flush. Are you doing the sea salt water flush in the mornings first thing?
    If you are not, this could be part of the problem. I was on the MC for 10 days last November so I do have some experience with it.
  • My sister did the cleanse about a year ago for 14 days and lost 19 lbs. She did not do it to lose weight she was trying to rid her body of toxins to become a vegan. But she only gained about 4 lbs back and never gained any of the other weight. I'm not sure if it is healthy because a lot of people argue this. I want to try it also. Maybe some time next month! I'm so scared though because i don't want to feel weak or anything.Let me know how yours goes ;]
  • maz123
    maz123 Posts: 63
    i've never done it but i would like to do it what exactly do you drink and how often? ive done onewith eggs and grapefruit before but i had to stop i was ravenous and narky on it, i did lose weight on it but the min i started eating properly it all went on again :ohwell:
    dont really think this is much help to u but i said i give my input and might like o try yours!:happy:
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I also forgot to add, are you drinking the lax tea at night also?
    The cleanse is lax tea at night, salt water flush first thing in the morning, lemonade concoction during the day.
    It is important to have all 3 elements working together.
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    Hi everyone! I am fairly new to MFP and I am addicted to it...I love how it is making me accountable for keeping track of everything I do. I have been at a standstill on my weightloss recently and am very frustrated so I decided to try doing the master cleanse, which is supposed to totally flush out your system and in reality get rid of excess fat and waste and toxins and one should typically lose a bunch of weight just by doing that.

    You do the cleanse for 10 days, only drinking a lemonade concoction. You eat nothing else for the 10 days because the lemonade and other ingredients contain everything your body needs. I like the lemonade and I have not been hungry (I WANT to eat everything in sight just because I can't) but I am not hungry.

    The problem is I am GAINING weight! The cleanse is flushing me out like it is supposed to. Has anyone else ever done this cleanse?? What were your results??

    Hello!! I'm doing it too on day 4! THe first time i did it I only lasted 7 days, but lost 10lbs. U may wanna not do the saltwater flush. Some people gain weight from the salt.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I did it a few years ago, it got me so horrible sick for weeks. My Dr told me how horrible these are for and I will never do it again. I still get sick thinking about lemonaid! LOL
  • jlvand
    jlvand Posts: 11
    Thanks for all the imput . I am doing the saltwater flush and the lax tea. I am very honestly doing it this time "by the book" because I want to rid my body of the toxins and get ready for some weight loss! I am pretty sure now that I am just retaining water from the salt...but it is frustrating.. I am on day 4 and have been very proud of myself for sticking to it (never made it this far before!)

    For those of you who have had doctors telling you that it is bad for you...yes, the saltwater isn't the best thing for your body, but it won't hurt you. it is natures best laxative. I had a doctor tell me recently that the reason most doctors tell you it is bad for you to do this cleanse is because they want to make more money off of all your ailments you will have by NOT doing this cleanse...just an FYI.

    I am going to continue and see what happens~

    here is what I do:

    4 tbsp raw lemon juice
    2 tbsp grade B (or A if I can't find B, as I live in a small rural community)
    2/10 of a tsp of cayenne pepper (red pepper, powdered)
    2 cups of water

    if you can find measuring spoons that are for "pinch, dash, smidgen" (yes they do exist, just not sure where, I got mine from my grandma) The pinch measuring spoon is exactly 1/10 of a teaspoon.

    I do this morning, noon, and night.

    Then first thing in the morning I do 32oz, or 4 cups of water mixed with 2 tsp of sea salt. (MUST be sea salt)

    Then 6oz of a laxative or dieters tea made with senna leaves before bed
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Cleanses do not work. All you are doing is starving your body of calories and nutrients. Stick to a healthy diet and you will do more for your body than drinking some lemonade. Sorry to sound so harsh but it drives me batty to see people constantly thinking this is going to help them! The turtle wins the race!
  • jlvand
    jlvand Posts: 11
    I'm not doing this as a "crash diet" and I am still getting all the appropriate calories and nutrients my body needs but thanks so much for bashing my trying to make my body healthier...Maybe no one has ever told you that doing a cleanse is a good thing for your digestive health.
  • Ever hear of the book called Surgery or Cleanse? I'm with jlvand - I'll try the cleanse! It saved me from having my gall bladder removed!
  • Chase510
    Chase510 Posts: 14
    I'm not doing this as a "crash diet" and I am still getting all the appropriate calories and nutrients my body needs but thanks so much for bashing my trying to make my body healthier...Maybe no one has ever told you that doing a cleanse is a good thing for your digestive health.

    How can you possibly think you are getting all the nutrients and calories your body needs from drinking some lemon juice, water, and salt????????

    Cleanses are unnecessary and can throw off your body's digestive system. If you eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, your body will clean itself.
  • Hi everyone. I am doing the Master Cleanse, on my first day, and just wanted to keep up with others that may be doing it also. I did it last September and my goal is to complete it twice every year, so it was time again! I personally do the detox not to lose weight but to cleanse my system, and some people have a difficult time understanding this cleanse if they havent read the book. I felt wonderful last time I finished the Master Cleanse and Im excited to rid my body of all these toxins and start fresh again! It is almost a spiritual thing for me also...however I think I would do much better if I was doing it somewhere like India, where Im not bombarded with fast food etc all day long! Today my boyfriend made pizza and it smelled so good! But I am not even close to tempted, because I know how good it feels to complete this cleanse and stay strong!
  • witwhoo
    witwhoo Posts: 1 Member
    I am pretty sure now that I am just retaining water from the salt.
    try using more salt or less water, you have to get the concentration right, i had this problem the first time i did the master cleanse, when the concentration of the salt gets to a certain point you dont absorb it because the molecules are too large. if its not salty enough your not gonna pass it and youll just absorb it
    hope this helps :)

    im on day three of the mc now and its going alright, one of the most annoying things are people being negative about about it when they havent got a clue, there are tonnes of youtube vlogs of people doing the mc and getting amazing results

  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    I have never done the Master Cleanse, but have read the booklet on it. I have two friends who do this every year for Lent (the 40 days before Easter). They have done it for over 5 years. It is more about realizing the blessings of food and cleaning the gunk out of their bodies. Neither of them need weight lose.

    Good luck.
  • I'm not doing this as a "crash diet" and I am still getting all the appropriate calories and nutrients my body needs but thanks so much for bashing my trying to make my body healthier...Maybe no one has ever told you that doing a cleanse is a good thing for your digestive health.

    How can you possibly think you are getting all the nutrients and calories your body needs from drinking some lemon juice, water, and salt????????

    Cleanses are unnecessary and can throw off your body's digestive system. If you eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, your body will clean itself.

    agreed. not to mention the fact that there is NO protein in this "cleanse".... ugh.
  • I tried a the 7day complete detox from GNC because I wanted to quit smoking and had been told by numerous people that a detox would help. It did wonders for me to quit smoking but my clothes no longer fit because of the sudden weight gain. I ate fruits and vegetables, fish and chicken and steered clear of dairy products while I was on it but I still have gained so much weight. I am embarrassed because people ask me if I gained all the weight because I am no longer smoking but in reality my appetite is under control. I need help with how to get this weight off!!! Open to all suggestions except a cleanse, they just don't work for me!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    eta: d*mn zombie thread
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
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