What are some good dvd workouts!!!!!!!!

BeeBee32y Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm not burning not even half of he calories that i need to and I'm trying to get some advice on some calorie burning dvd's. I'm new to the site new to what works for losing weight and what doesn't. So any suggestions will help! Thanks


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    First, if you don't have a heart rate monitor, you won't really know how many calories you are burning. (With that said, I do not have a HRM, but am looking to get one).

    There are 3 videos that I like and I feel like I've really had a great workout when I'm done (again, until I have my HRM I won't really know how good these videos are).

    1. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

    2. Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones

    3. Biggest Loser Cardio Max

    I also have P90X, which is awesome, and totally not for a beginner like myself so I'm working my way up to it by doing those videos in 20-30 minutes increments instead of the full hour.

    I would suggest if you have Netflix to rent them first to see if you like them before buying. Check out Walmart too, they usually have videos for pretty cheap!
  • cj0725
    cj0725 Posts: 28 Member
    I really enjoy the Biggest Loser Workout DVD's. I haven't found one yet that I don't like.

    Good luck to you! CJ
  • nelda08
    nelda08 Posts: 1
    I LOVE doing Taebo Amped.
    I don't know how many calories you burn but you def sweat off some pounds!
    I love it!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is a great one. It's about an hour long and full of pretty intense circuits. Also, if you want a shorter workout that's just about the same concept JM's 30 Day Shred is great.

    TaeBo is also a fun calorie burning workout.
  • RICHARD SIMMONS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I also love Turbo Jam Cardio Party and I work out with Gilad on FitTV ALL the time - I know he has videos too! (Bodies in Motion and Gilad's Trouble Zones or something ...)

    I'll be doing the 30 day shred when I get back from a trip home (so I'll start in 30 days!!)
  • jlvand
    jlvand Posts: 11
    Turbo Jam cardio party is awesome and FUN! and it is already listed under the exercises, under kickboxing
  • NicolePayne
    NicolePayne Posts: 9 Member
    I've just started a dvd called 10 Minute Solution (the one I have is Dance It Off and Tone It Up ~ but there are quite a few others). I like them because there are 5 different workouts each consisting of 10 minutes (for a total of a 50 minute workout). I like it because I have 2 kiddos at home, and it's hard to do anything for much more time than that...so I just space them out during the day.

    I'm gonna check out the Biggest Loser ones also, since so many of you really like them.
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    I LOVE Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! It will work you up to an advanced level. It's very short which kept me from burning out. But I saw such AMAZING results with it. That is probably the only reason I decided to change my lifestyle and become a healthier person.

    I kept doing the J.M. 30DS for a few months... just the 20-30 min workout a day. Nothing more. I also started eating better. The lbs dropped off. Then after doing level 3 for a couple months, my body got bored. I went and found the Jillian Michael's BANISH FAT BOOST METABOLISM. I have to be honest and say that the intensity wasn't NEARLY at the level of the 30DS. Then I made some of the moves harder by adding weights (which she actually does during the level 3, 30DS). This amped up my intensity. When I think I'm not working hard enough, I increase my weights.

    I LOVE cardio workouts, but it wasn't until I added some serious weight videos did I start dropping inches. I've lost almost 9 inches. I use the J.M. NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES's and PERSONAL TRAINING WITH JACKIE: POWER CIRCUIT TRAINING. That was AMAZING!!!

    I bought a couple size 10 shorts two weeks ago. I can pull them all the way down my hips without unbuttoning them. I'm already a size 8.

    My biggest suggestion is... work out HARD and eat very, very WELL.

    Learn what NOT to put into your body. It's not just calories we have to learn about.

    Cant wait to see how great you do!

    Have fun!!!
  • I am going to be starting the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred myself here in the next week or so as I have to go out of town for a week for business.

    I have read on MFP that everyone seems to like the 30 Day Shred, and someone yesterday posted a link that has the entire video. I know I have spent plenty of money on videos and equipment, that I am hoping to first try it by watching the video online and then if it seems to be working get the DVD from Walmart which seems to be running about $9.

    I know the website isnt in English, but the video is and it was pretty easy to see where to hit play yesterday.


    Good Luck!
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Hi! I really enjoy Debra Mazda's Shapelygirl DVD series. I have "Let's Get Moving" & "Let's Get Moving 2"...they are AWESOME! You can check out her website at www.debramazda.com, she has lots of DVD's. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • fonrouge82
    fonrouge82 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a love/hate :wink: :mad: relationship with Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I love the results-hate it because she makes me want to cry about 3/4 of the way through. :cry: I would highly recommend it though. I thought I was in fairly good shape until I tried this! I really want to try the 30 DS to compare. For those of you that have done both, which do you like better?
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I love Jillian MIchael's 30 day shred and Yoga Meltdown!

    But now I'm sooo in love with Brazil Butt Lift by BeachBody. Its the best, my booty looks awesome! I can't wait to try Insanity next!
  • MsCoconut
    MsCoconut Posts: 35 Member
    I love p90x, even if you can't do all of the workout! I have done Jillian Michael's and the entire workout is nothing compared to doing have the reps of p90x!
  • I like Leslie Sansone. I am able to keep up!
  • tamonline
    tamonline Posts: 2
    "ZUMBA"..no kidding these dvds are awesome..u can be totaly unfit & do them or super fit and still get a orkout..at the same time u are learning some wikked dance steps..
    "aint never seen a fat dancer..have u"
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    ChaLean Extreme!! It has it ALL! The 3 days/week of strength training are going to boost your metabolism and the cardio days are ROCKIN'! As always, Chalene is awesome. You might also consider TurboFire which was just released.
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I'm definitely going to have to check some of these out. I'd been wondering the same question as the OP ever since I got a Bender ball with the 3 dvds and want some longer workouts I can do at home. My exercise is mostly running since I don't have a gym membership anymore, so I'm really into some dvd workouts.

    Wish I'd thought to look on netflix before! They're pretty much my favorite company anymore, lol.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I too love Turbo Jam and Biggest Loser dvds. Jillian Michaels' dvds are okay too.
  • I am not sure about the other DVDs but they all sound great! I personally workout to "The Firm" its a combination of body sculpting and cardio its a total of 4disc not only do you lose the weight but the inchs the love handles on the side you lose a whole lot of jiggle! LOL it worked for me then I went into depression which made me gain it all back so now I am back on it once again but the firm helps with toning. Now many people know that dancing period burns over the top calories so I suggest Zumba. Zumba is really great I feel you burn many, many calories and its fun!
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