

  • it his unlikely that you are in starvation mode, this usually happens when cal intake is very low, ie less than 1000 cals, keep in mind you are close to a healthy weight range so at this point it is simply much harder to lose weight...weight loss boils down to 1 thing, cals in vs. cals out. 3500 cals in 1lbs., so if you…
  • your going to lose your mind complicating this, stick with the basics. You currently are burning about the same amount of calories that you are eating because your weight is staying the same. Focus for a few weeks on tracking every little thing and staying within your calorie range, the weight WILL come off. Also your…
  • oh and my lifting intensity is high, i do not go to the gym to socialize
  • thank you for the site i will check it out...well i'm fairly experienced and stick mainly to dead lifts, squats, bench, hang cleans, etc., i alternate reps/sets, ie 5 x 54321 one week, 4 x 4, 3 x 8, etc. my gut feeling is that i simply am not eating enough i just don't want to eat too much so i start to gain muscle and…
  • peanut butter is great for you, healthy fat, protein, the downside is there are a lot of calories in just a little bit so watch those portions so you stay under your cal goal
  • no one eats perfectly everyday but if you try and get back on track right away after slips you will be fine
    in motivation Comment by jmatsko19 May 2011
  • face your fears, once you know how much you take in you can begin to address it
    in motivation Comment by jmatsko19 May 2011
  • your tracking must be off, if you were meeting your calorie goals you would be losing regularly, remember track anything with a calorie value
  • it won't hurt your weight loss goal as long as the calories are under thats the only thing that matters in terms of weight loss, too much protein will be stored as fat and can be hard on your kidneys, so if you are going over by a little no big deal, if you are going over by a lot i would address it, and eating protein…
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