

  • Why is it so hard at night? I'm the same way with snacking after the kids go to bed. It's like I finally have time to do whatever for myself and I want to eat! I need to make dinner the last thing I eat for the day. I got some teeth whitening trays from my dentist, so I've been brushing my teeth and putting those in (they…
  • I've been considering buying one. I would like to know others opinions about them as well. Thanks for the post!
  • Way to go! Isn't it so nice to change that middle number? Keep up the good work!
  • Yay! I am a SAHM to five crazy, yet gorgeous little kidlets! One girl (8) and four boys (7,6,5,2). I completely understand about the adult interaction! I quit my full time job 7 years ago when I had my second child. Now it seems like I do a lot of "child talk". There are many days when I don't want to hear "MOM!!" another…
  • You go girl! You deserve to love yourself! Keep it up! I hope to one day reach that point, but I know what you are talking about when you say it becomes an obsession. It's all I think about.
  • Thanks so much for this post! I have had 5 c-sections in 7 years and my belly is definately in need of some help. I'm trying to get really serious now that I know I am done having kids. I'm headed to Walmart this afternoon. I better add a belt to my list! Thanks, I appreciate it!!
  • I haven't used the supplements. I've just been watching my calories and try to have protein after my workout. I've bought protein from Costco and make shakes with it.
  • I just started it last week and I wonder the same thing. I'd like to hear how others are logging too!
    in p90x? Comment by brookekedd July 2010
  • Candican-Thanks for the info! I'll have to check out that website!
  • Maybe if you're eating under your calories, your putting your body into starvation mode. Try eating at least 1200 cals a day. You have to have so many to be able to keep your body burning or else it will start to store fat. I've been learning this the past couple of months. I've worked out a lot and ate very little, but it…
  • I have a hard time getting myself to eat that many calories, so I have not been following the nutrition part of P90X. 1800 seems like a lot! Do I just need to trust it and eat that much??
  • Thanks for the info! I'll have to check out the "Abs Power Diet". Keep up what you are doing. It is definately working!
  • You look awesome! Way to go! I just started P90X (again). How do you log your workouts on MFP? Would you consider it strength training?? I'm not sure how to tell how many calories I am burning. Keep up the good work! Thanks for the motivation!
  • I heard about it on "The. Dr.'s" today. I would like to know if anyone has tried it as well.