

  • Thanks for the note...this is a good site for all of us to use. Most of the battle is in the mind! Not telling you anything new...FYI I started to lose weight jhust thinking about having the surgery. You may experience the desire to binge, as food is an "old friend" that needs to be told it can no longer control us. This…
  • m the s 46 pounds...decided to change my gym routine and take a break from the obsession of getting it all off in a hurry. It is a lifetime not a race! Thanks for your encouragement
  • Thanks for your suggestion, That is a great idea. I have been reading about using cupcake tins with the same portion control. Keep the suggestions coming.
  • I have taken a subscription to Mens health mag, there is also Womens health. I have started to use some of those recipes they are healthy and more protein than most I have seen. They emphisize fresh and healthy foods. Have you tries Quinoa? High powered grain that is excellent as a salad dish. I use it with chopped vegies…
  • I did pretty well, except when the pie showed up! That is the stff that kills me...I did go to thr gym 4 times this week.
  • Bypass or any surgery takes time to heal...slow down when you eat. Mush is the consistancy and protein shakes are still a part of my daily and default foods Easy does it! Glad you are all here!