

  • Sometimes it's hard to know how things got so out of control. I understand completely. And I often look back at the thinner me and wish I could just start over from there.
  • Please add me. It's been years since I've lost a substantial amount of weight and I decided to log in again today and I happened to see your post. I need to loose somewhere in the area of 100lbs but I know I need to set smaller goals along the way. First long term goal is to get below 200lbs. It'll be a looooong journey…
  • I have a foster child arriving tomorrow... and it also happens to be his birthday! I'm going to make this cake so that we can have a birhtday party for him. What some critical people don't understand is that while I might be trying to loose a few pounds (well, actually a lot of pounds), that doesn't mean that my whole…
  • One of my favorite Mexican places has a salad that I love (and I'm not really into salad). It's a grilled shrimp salad. It has onion, avadaco, shrimp, green peppers, shredded cheese and jalepenos on it. I don't get any dressing, I just sqeeze lime juice all over it (it comes with a lime) and it's really good! I get a side…
  • Wow! It's amazing how big a difference 20 pounds makes! I can really see a difference in your pictures! You should be very proud... good job!
  • Coming from a person who has a loooong way to go in terms of weight loss... I was only hitting about 600/700 cals a day for a week straight because I wasn't hungry and I ended up gaining a pound by the end of the week. I never really bought into this "starvation mode" thing (How could my body starve if I'm 100 pounds…
  • Thank you so much for saying that! I sometimes feel like if I am WAAAAY under my calorie goal then I am doing great. But that's just not true- I see less progress when I undereat.
  • Everyone should read this!!!!!
  • Can you make a deal with yourself?... like, "I will get up and run for 5 minutes 3 different time for 1 week". 5 minutes isn't going to burn many calories, but it's not too daunting that you would just hate getting up to do it (and it beats not doing anything at all!). Once you get in the habit of scheduling that 5 minutes…
  • I am under the impression that you use the "cooked" information. P.S.- LOVE the profile name.... I collect smurf figurines!!!
  • Bless your heart! Have you tried setting small goals to start with? Even if you can commit to just 10 minutes a day it will be helpful to your body and easier to work your way up to a longer duration. Best wishes to you, I'm glad you're willing to give it another go-round!