1 year later, down 65 pounds!

MrsBrosco Posts: 295
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
1 year ago I weighed in at my heaviest, 230lbs. Today I am proud to say that I am down to 165 :happy: !
My first month of dieting I was prescribed phentermine by my doctor to help me control my hunger. It worked well and helped me drop the pounds quickly however I was suffering major insomnia from the pills and quit taking them. Since then I have roller-coastered with my dieting. I will do really good with the occasional binge. My binges typically aren't just for a day, once I fall off the wagon i'm off for a few days or a week. But miraculously I have made it this far!
Here's my dilemma. I have not excersised in almost 3 months now. I had been doing really well on my elliptical but we ended up moving and it ended up in storage collecting dust. Since then I have had 0 motivation to exorcise. I would LOVE more than anything to be able to start running. I just dont know how to make myself start after sitting on the couch for so long now. It's hard to make myself get up and do it when I know that I have lost the weight without any excersise at all. BUT, after giving birth to my beautiful daughter a year ago and losing so much weight I am beginning to get a bit droopy :embarassed: . My "pouch" has always been my trouble area even before having a child, I feel as though it's going to be a losing battle now.
I'm looking for any advice or motivation to get me out there to lose these last 20lbs to get to my goal weight. A year ago my goal seemed so far away and now it seems just out of reach and I can't believe it!
Thanks for your time and any advice you have!
:flowerforyou: Good Luck to us all!:flowerforyou:


  • mullensamy
    mullensamy Posts: 11
    Can you make a deal with yourself?... like, "I will get up and run for 5 minutes 3 different time for 1 week". 5 minutes isn't going to burn many calories, but it's not too daunting that you would just hate getting up to do it (and it beats not doing anything at all!). Once you get in the habit of scheduling that 5 minutes of time, you can increse it to 8 minutes the next week and so on. I know that if I think about doing 30 minutes of exercise after an "exercise vacation" I get discouraged because I really don't enjoy doing it! So I find a happy medium in order to kick-start myself. Once I get going and start to see the weight come off, it motivates me to do just a little bit more the next day. Good job with all the weight loss so far and good luck with your continued journey! :happy:
  • Tinapd
    Tinapd Posts: 6
    Would any of your friends be willing to run with you for just 5 minutes a day and work up from there?
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    I would recommend the "Couch to 5k" programme - just google it and you can print off a programme. As the name suggests it is for beginners and starts off with walking and intervals of running, building up more and more running over the weeks. It seems less of a task than deciding to start running, much less daunting! Good luck anyway x
  • Yes she has a friend that would be willing to run with her for just 5, 10, 15, 60 minutes a day.
  • Start off by walking. Do that for 4 days the first week. Second week, walk 5 minutes, run for 1 - repeat 5x. Third week, walk 4 minutes, run for 2 - repeat 5x. You can't just go out and do it. Your body would hate you the day after regardless of how much you stretch before and after <--- that's very important too! It'd be fun to have someone (other than Mike) to run the River Bank Run with me next year! That'll be my first challenge to you.
    And don't go balls out and run full boar (spelling?) - jog at a moderate pace. If you get too uncomfortable (its not going to be fun at first) slow down.
    You can do it!
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