18lb at 24weeks
4th baby, first girl and due March 14th. Gaining weight incredibly fast for my frame so starting here to make better choices. 24weeks and up 18lb
I'm also pregnant.. currently 24 weeks and sitting at 18lb weight gain so far which for 5ft 2 is alot and I'm starting to struggle. Here to maintain as much as I can/gain slower than i have been. If u wanna help motivate that would be great and I can do the same for you x
Fasts are recommended by some, although usually by methods of 5:2 or intermittent fasting. Both which have been proven to not only help lose weight but good for your body too. Not sure on completely cutting out foods but surely it's only a short term fix before starting on a healthy diet and exercise programme?
Workout b 32.5kg squat 20kg overhead 40kg deadlift
Wanting to join as I have a wedding to attend in May. Will be doing the stronglifts 5x5. Stats: Done before but not consistently 5ft 1.5 121lb Aim to lose body fat and replace it with a leaner strong body. Workout a: 30kg squat 20kg bench 20kg row.
I have not had alcohol for 5 weeks now and intend to keep it that way. My weight has stabilised and no more eating the entire contents of kitchen after a few drinks :) even had a night out on the town and put myself as designated driver just to make sure I wasn't tempted. Christmas will be hard as all my family drink but…
cleaning my ears :s and chocolate :)
People who cant be bothered to cook.. and have plenty of!
My 4 year old has quite bad eczema and Ive been trying to figure out what causes his flare ups by keeping food diary, cutting out certain trigger foods and reintroducing them but found nothing significant. We had our kitchen redone a few months ago and had no cooking facilities for a wk so for that wk we had crap…
hi, I enjoy them baked with some light garlic and herb Philadelphia and side salad or Roasted sweet potato wedges are also nice.
Doing my first fast day today and so far going good.. Does it matter when u eat the 500 cals? because im still doing 3 meals a day just to spread it out.. having fruit and raw veggies, soups etc to get through it as can have quite a bit because they are low cal.
28yrs old, mum of 2 boys (4 and 7) 5ft3...125lb looking to get 118-120lb just cant shift the last few lbs
day 19 for me...with 1 day break so far..starting lv3 on wed :)
day 15 done..:smile:
Iv not lost any inches or weight and im controlling my diet :( Heres hoping to see some changes on level 2!!
day 5 done, getting easier :happy: ... .anyone seeing a difference in body tone or loss yet?
Day 3 done...found the strength and abs easier this time and cardio harder..? maybe I done it to soon after dinner...?
hi Received my dvd in the post this mornin and will be starting day 1 in about an hours time...not looking forward to it after hearing how much hard work it is but hey, i want a bikini body so i'll have to just get on and do it :)
wow ur doing great and looking great...well done
Thanks for the suggestions...will def try out a few of those :)
Mum of 2 boys also..trying to shed back to pre pregnancy weight
from surrey :)