MarkC1963 Member


  • Hi there! I'm originally from Cherry Hill, NJ but have lived in Roanoke mostly since 1990. I live in Cave Spring area now. Check out my profile and add me as a friend if you'd like. - Mark
  • I have a Mio Alpha also and did the CP 30 and still find the calorie burn estimates way too excessive. I play competitive tennis and train hard for it. I'm 51 years old and the CP 30 done by running around an in door track over the 30 minutes said: VO2 Max 46; FitRank 100; Fitness Level 10 Superior; Max HR 167; Resting HR…
  • I tool am a Milos Raonic fan. I especially like him as I understand his ethnic background maybe Ukrainian, which I also am. I really like Halep also. Genie's been on fire and may make it all the way. I love her grit and determination and also that she's from Canada. From 2004-2008, I lived on Lake Ontario in upstate New…
  • I take 300 mg of Wellbutrin as an antidepressant as such runs in my family genes. Wellbutrin helped me lose weight when I transitioned to it exclusively a few years ago from other drugs like Zoloft which caused weight gain. It seems to give me a spark of energy as well as keeping my mood light. I highly recommend it.
  • Being thoroughly secular, any music celebrating the religious aspects of the holiday make my eyes roll. It used to be a good ole ancient Roman holiday before the Christians had a war on the Roman version of the holiday in the 4th century. That's why it's so ironic that Fox News and so many Christians complain about the…
  • I get up M-F at 4:30 AM to take a 5:30 RPM class at my athletic club. As others suggested, I get my clothes ready the night before and have them in the bathroom near the shower. I use a vibrating alarm in my bed to ensure I wake. I immediately go to the bathroom, take my vitamins and some caffeine, weigh myself, and get…
  • I'm getting fed up with BM as syncing exercise readings to MFP is becoming unreliable and I'm wasting too much time disconnecting and reconnecting the apps, etc. Thinking about a fitbit but it's not as good for calorie measurement.
  • 3 Babolat AeroPro Team Racquets Can of balls Babolat Wrist Band Clif Energy bar - crunchy peanut butter Several packets of water flavor powders for my thermos two 18 oz steel thermos, I drink one per set and having only two motivates me not to go to a third, lol Nike towel Bolle Competivision Sunglass case with sunglasses…
    in Bag Check Comment by MarkC1963 June 2013
  • On the "mental" part of the game, it helps me to think I'm the underdog even when I'm winning. I find a reason to get upset with an opposing player in my mind only of course and I channel that anger into intensity and determination, saying over and over in my head, "give me the ball, I want the ball, I want to put away…
  • Completely agree. For doubles, I only do my flat hard serve once a set when the opponents encroach too much on the service box. 99% of the time I stick with a very spin serve or as you do an over the head topspin kick serve. I change these up to keepem guessing. Works well for me also. -Mark
  • Here's my weekly routine: Monday, 6 am 45 minutes in gym doing: 1) 2,000 meter rowing in 10 minutes (leisurely warmup), 2) Core: (stomach, waist, shoulder, chest) then 2 laps around gym track (get heart rate higher), then 20 reps of overhead chops with right arm on cable machine 42.5 lbs weight, then take a lap (breakdown…
  • Check out my profile. I was 248 lbs and now am at 151 lbs. Started off at a 1200 calorie a day diet with low exercise and slowly, incrementally increased my exercise to what it is today. Changed my lifestyle completely. Read my story and see if it's what you're looking for. Everyone is different. There are no absolutes…
  • Yes, Exorcist also for me! I actually was a Catholic Jesuit Priest candidate back when I was 19 but exorcisms wasn't in my future. :)
  • Yes, I emphathize as I have changed my lifestyle, diet and exercise to lose 89 lbs so far but I am 49 years old and am finding recently that my achilles tendon and knees are now more prone to injury than ever which really impacts my high calorie burning cardio exercising. To maintain/lose weight, I now am just burning…
  • I hit a plateau for 5 months and broke through it by custom setting my net calorie goal to 1,000 calories and always eating back every calorie exercised. Somedays I eat around 1300 calories and sometimes way over 2000 calories based on how much I exercise. I wear a BodyBugg device which tells me how much I burn when…
  • Sounds like "Musturbation" irrational belief thinking to me. Thinking like that all the time causes emotional and physical consequences that actually end up limiting ones life through fatigue, self-induced illness and eventually physical death. I guess if one chooses to be a shooting star in life you shine bright for a…
  • I've lost 89 lbs so far. I made it a lifestyle change and not a diet. Simply, I count the calories I eat and measure the calories I burn using a BodyBugg device. I tried lots of different exercises and picked some that I don't mind doing and also rediscovered a sport (tennis) that I love and make it a priority to fit hours…
  • I target eating 40% carbs and 30% each protein and mono-saturated fat like olive oil. For carbs, I eat lots of Ronzoni Smart Taste (2.5X more fiber) Pasta and Multigrain Thomas' English Muffins (100 cal ea. and higher in fiber). I am on the Mediterranean Diet and eat lots of fish for my protein (tuna, sardines, anchovies).…
  • I really like being a man, masculine, manly, etc. I think kilts are manly. I think a man wearing a woman's skirt is not manly and therefore I'm not into that. No doubt there will be lot's of folks who disagree and that's their opinion. I stand by mine.
  • Thanks all for your input!!! For the record, I have read Mayo Clinic articles about fat cells and my understanding is that correctly the average person has the same amount of fat cells after they are formed in youth for the remainder of their lives. Unfortunately formerly obese folks aren't average and the obesity causes…
  • Just say firmly, "I don't have time to talk right now" without making eye contact. For most guys, that will be enough to take the hint you don't want to be bothered. If he still keeps stalking then advise management again. If they don't do anything then advise them you are going to get the police involved. That should…
  • Whatever gives me more caffeine and I believe that's Pepsi Max!!! lol
  • Channel negative emotions that you may have, like bitterness and resentments over infidelities blamed on your appearance, nay saying about your commitment to get fit and looking better and all other bad stuff into intensity and determination to lose that weight and prove them all wrong!!! Listen to Metallica's Black Album…
  • Channel those negative bad feelings into intensity and determination to hit your fitness program like never before. Sometimes bad emotions like resentments, bitterness, jealousy, rage can be turned on a dime into positive intensity and determination to achieve your goals and to exhibit to all the nay sayers and faithless…
  • That is a great post and oh how so true reality is... :)
  • Peanut Butter; Hershey's Snack Size Chocolate Bars (77 Cals); Jam/preserves that I can sneak on a teaspoon when I need a sweet fix. Yea, I can be real bad some nights...
  • Excellent thoughts!! We only get one life and how we live it affects countless others... We will never know just how many lives our words and deeds have touched....
  • I've joined a local Country Club and started playing tennis. It's surprising how many nice folk like to hit some balls and then get something to eat or have a soda/drink afterward. I'm developing some really nice friends this way. Just a suggestion.