1mcward Member


  • I too have the 20 lbs to lose and by March would be wonderful, although, not certain if I will get there that soon. Perhaps this group will help me get there on time! I have lost 10 since the start of the new year, so some progress has been made. But to lose 20, oh boy! That would be a dream come true. Beginning weight:…
  • Going to start round two. It is so rewarding to get through it. I thought it would be easier this second time around, but nope. Still sweating and talking myself through it! I do enjoy it and it does work - in spite of my cheating days.
  • How is the Insanity going or shall I say, how did it go?.. I ended up completing month two and had hoped for a bigger drop, however, I was a size 12 and went shopping today and I am a size 8. So, in conclusion, it does work and taking photos is important because it doesn't look like I've changed, but apparently I have. If…
    in Newbies Comment by 1mcward April 2012
  • Well, just finished my fad exercise program, so may as well get to the fad weight loss diet, LOL!! Seriously and sincerely, thanks for sharing. :) I like a challenge, so here it is! AND, it beats the pants off cabbage soup and others I've read and thought, really? Forget it, just be fat. teehee. I hate cooking and planning…
  • I am starting month 2 on Monday. Admittedly, I still cannot get through all the exercises without gasping for air and sometimes stopping, but I am feeling better and I dropped 2" off my middle and thighs. Still have 3" to go on middle and thighs, which I am guessing is about 15 more lbs. I tried P90X Kempo in the eve with…
    in Newbies Comment by 1mcward February 2012
  • I found my way to the site! there must be an easier way, but late in the game now! LOL! Final weigh in 162.2 lbs. It's been a great experience with the ladies Ive met here. They're determination and focus has pushed me on! I have been trying since Oct and until I joined this group, the loss was almost non-existent. Thanks…
  • 163. Goal this week is to walk my dog at least twice. Poor girl gets neglected.
  • Aw, I just got the hang of how to get here. Well, I can appreciate the effort to track it all. At any rate, I am 164 today.
  • No change in weight this wek. Still 167.
  • Sorry, slow to respond. My goal this week is to make it through the fitness program I've selected and get enough calories each day.
  • Looks like there's still time. I would also like to try the challenge. Start weight 168 lbs
  • Whoa! You look so great! Thank you for posting and sharing. How long did it take??..I'm impatient! :)