

  • i used to walk 3 miles to work and my trainer said it was worth nothing cause it was walking not running. they just want you to do more. ithink every effort is worth SOMETHING
  • I understand wanting to do something like that to kick start things but i wouldn't do syrup because it's too sweet. I once did a plain oatmeal diet for 5 days i lost 9 pounds and gained back 7 fast but I would still do it again because once I was done I no longer craved sweets or soda or anything the main thing I craved…
  • I think that if you love him and you know that he loves you and it isn't ACTUALLY important to you to get married just everyone else then why would you give up such a great relationship? it is not easy to find someone who will really love you be faithful to you and treat you right and if that is what you have I say stay…
  • I think that if you love him and you know that he loves you and it isn't ACTUALLY important to you to get married just everyone else then why would you give up such a great relationship? it is not easy to find someone who will really love you be faithful to you and treat you right and if that is what you have I say stay…
  • I think that if you love him and you know that he loves you and it isn't ACTUALLY important to you to get married just everyone else then why would you give up such a great relationship? it is not easy to find someone who will really love you be faithful to you and treat you right and if that is what you have I say stay…
  • I eat Greek yogurt because of the protein it is really hard for me to find things to eat in order to eat enough protein and Greek yogurt has a good amount but it is very dry in my opinion so I eat the Fage 2% with honey (the honey comes with it in the little containers) and it is DELICIOUS!
  • I want to lose about 80lbs and my goal is June 1st. I realize that's an aggressive goal but I think I can do it! :) Add me if you like!