Thank you!
i just bought the zumba game for ps3, i would love to take the class!!
you all are so inspiring and helpful, thank you so much, really!
thank you wendy! i will try that
i tried spagetti squash, it was a no go... how about wheat noodles, if i just use them instead of telling them do you think its a big enough taste difference for them to complain about?
thanks pink, ill check that out. thanks everyone..Hopefully at some point my family will see how important losing weight is to me right now and they will support and help out
im the youngest adult so i get over-ruled all the time, im also the only one who does the grocery shopping so if i make something they dont like they just make something else and its a waste of money...i need to find things that are healthy that dont really taste is that possible
thanks everyone! I love to take him for walk..but the weather has been so crappy here :( i think i really just need support!