I dont even know where to start :(

I am a new mom, and im trying to lose the baby weight (and some). im so stressed out because i dont know where to start...i dont have a whole lot of time for working out. any advice????????????????????????


  • start slow and go one day at a time. can you make time for a walk with the baby?
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    First....calm down....breathe......

    Then find yourself a food program that will work for you.

    And most importantly, get those legs moving. It's what humans are meant to do. You'll find the time. It just happens :)
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Well guess that depends what works for you, If you dont have alot of time I would recommend a home workout program. Beachbody is the most popular, sets you up with a exercise program and a nutrition plan. They have a program for just about everyone... P90X, turbo fire, slim in 6 etc.. There are others too, the Julian Michaels seems popular here but i dont have experience with that one.
  • KiniWoman
    KiniWoman Posts: 29 Member
    Take it slow, being a new mom! Getting out for walks with your baby is a fantastic way to get some exercise in, plus you both get some fresh air. You can do it!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Congratulations, you've already started just by being here.

    A walk each day is great advice for getting a work out in. Or maybe you can do a DVD workout at home.
    Plan your meals, get some fresh healthy food in the house.

    And remember it will take time, but you got this :) x
  • If you don't have a lot of time to work out, just watch what you're eating. Count your calories at what MFP suggests and start from there. Maybe pick up the 30 Day Shred and do that DVD when you have time when the little one is sleeping. Every little thing adds up :) good luck! There is a lot of advice and help on this site!
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    thanks everyone! I love to take him for walk..but the weather has been so crappy here :( i think i really just need support!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Start out by logging what you are eating now. Once you do this for a few days you will soon see where all the calories are coming from and that will give you a place to start.
    For example, you could pick breakfast, google "healthy breakfast recipes" and make a change to breakfast.
    Next do lunch, snacks, dinner etc.
    Make sure you fit in a bit of exercise - go walking, dance around with your little one... anything to get your body moving.

    You can do it!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    If you have a Wii there are fitness and dance programs that you can use . There are phone apps for exercies too (free). New babies sleep a lot. You shold spend part of that resting and part taking care of yourself. Exercise reduces stress so that can help with returning your body to better fitness and reducing the new baby stress. If you have aa sling or baby carrier or stroller start walking. Babies can be outside if they are properly covered. In fact, over heating can cause problems. If you have cool fall weather where you are right now it will be fine. Have fun and enjoy your baby. Taking baby for a walk or stroll may even help him/her sleep.
  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    completely overhaul your diet!! remember its 80% food and 20% exercise (roughly) for weight loss!!!
    Make sure you eat rich, dense, healthy calories...but don't forget to treat yourself when you want too, otherwise its too hard!

    you can do this, go to our Success Stories board, there are SOOO many mommies with before and after baby weight!!
  • Ya know, I didn't either, and the past few months I have been saying I can do it...ok maybe next week, but never able to start! I think starting is probably the hardest part!! Just put down a few goals for yourself and well I have been looking up online how many calories I should be having along with how much I should be working out to be able to reach those goals!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    Yes, the weather is getting colder. I think the best exercise you can have right now is just rocking your baby while you dance. Just be on your feet. be conscious of what you eat. Veggies are the best low caloric food out there. You'll find your own rhythm. Just take it slow. And congratulations on the newborn.

    When you do have somebody to watch your newborn, take that time to be out for a walk, go to the gym or do something active. 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels only takes 27 minutes every day too. Or if you have netflix, find those free workout videos. Or just walk up and down the stairs if you have one. A little activity a day, goes a long way. It is a good way to relieve stress too.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Put that baby in a sling and walk the mall. Getting out is mandatory post partum. Staying indoors can make you crazy, you need to get out for your physical and mental health. Find a partner if you can , that makes it much easier. Sometimes church groups or social groups in your community have walking clubs. Just a thought. There might even be a new moms support group. Those are wonderful things.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ya know, I didn't either, and the past few months I have been saying I can do it...ok maybe next week, but never able to start! I think starting is probably the hardest part!! Just put down a few goals for yourself and well I have been looking up online how many calories I should be having along with how much I should be working out to be able to reach those goals!

    Getting started is hard - but if you keep putting it off till next week it will never happen!
    I started by using the food log to record what I was eating. I didn't try to change anything at first, butit happened anyway, as soon as I had to write something down I started to wonder how much I REALLY wanted it!

    So, my advice is - stop looking for ideas about WHAT to do and HOW to do it - just start writing down what you are eating, build a little more moving into your day. That's a great start!
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    you all are so inspiring and helpful, thank you so much, really!
  • When I got pregnant with my 4 yr old I gained 64 lbs. I was out of control! After having her and getting my mind straight I decided I had to lose weight to fit into my wedding dress. We were planning our wedding when I got pregnant so my dress was already purchased. This was my incentive. You need a goal, something to look forward to etc. I put my daughter in the jogger and off we went. I also changed my eating habits. I lost 32 lbs in 10 months....You can do it, it takes time...Just stay determined and as the baby gets older incorperate the baby into your workouts.. Once you lose the weight stay with the workouts, don't gain the weight back like I did. Now I need to lose 30 lbs to get pregnant again...what a battle us women go through...Stay focused and keep up the good work..Good luck :smile:
  • ashak36
    ashak36 Posts: 1 Member
    my only advise would be to set small tangible goals. take it on day at a time. make wiser healthy choices and go the long way. e.g. take stairs instead of the elevator, park further away and walk further.. goodluck
  • You already have started! You acknowledge what your concern is and that you want to do something about it. You're a mom with a newborn - it takes a year for the uterus to return to normal. Dont' expect to be in skinny jeans like those Hollywood airheads tell you can be done - IN TWO MONTHS! It's unhealthy.
    Next - be honest. You can find 2 million reasons or excuses not to do something. NOthing can stop you if you really want to. Don't be in too much of a hurry - you're hopefully nursing, which will get you back in shape faster. You have to take care of baby first. If it's not raining or snowing - you can get out for a 15 minute walk. HOpefully someone can be w/ the baby so you can do that. It's also great for a mind-cleaning! If you can't get out for a brisk walk and the weather is ok, take the baby. (Not sure how old the baby is - so check w/ your Dr).
    You can do lots of exercises at home. Turn on the stereo to some rockin' tunes - maybe not jumping jacks, but anything w/ arm movements pumps the heart, marching in place. any basic exercize to get you started.
    You can go to the mall - all the old folks do that in Arizona since it's 500 degrees outside there in the summer!
    Lift cans of soup - make your little weights. Go to a MOPS class (Mothers of Preschoolers) at a local church or gym. Lots of things where you don't need money - which is good.
    You're probably exhausted from no sleep, which will slow your metabolism - so eating well, drinking lots of liquids and getting some sleep when you can will help. Once the baby's older - get in the car and off to Wal-Mart, Costco or the mall - big places where you can walk for 30-60 minutes.