I am the only one in the house that is concerned about losing weight, and everyone else is so picky when it comes to dinner. how can i make dinner healthy when everyone out-rules me???


  • Make separate meals?
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Just do it, if they get hungry enough, they will eat.

    That's what my mom did to us, and it worked. I am the least picky eater I know!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I cook for the family and me separately. I can't budge them on better eating. But I'm not going to let that slow me down.
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    im the youngest adult so i get over-ruled all the time, im also the only one who does the grocery shopping so if i make something they dont like they just make something else and its a waste of money...i need to find things that are healthy that dont really taste healthy......lol is that possible
  • I just make things pretty plain, but add on spices and salsa after. That way my son can have his plain with pepper and we get all of the extra yummies. Before you know it they'll all be eating just like you :) Everyone is healthy in my house now! lol
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Just do it, if they get hungry enough, they will eat.

    That's what my mom did to us, and it worked. I am the least picky eater I know!

    Totally agree with this. When I was a kid we ate what mom cooked -- inlcuding after my dad had a heart attack and all the meals were different.

    My kids are probably (at 24 and 28) the least picky eaters around as well.

    As for the spouse... my hubby eats with me or makes his own version -- he needs more calories so he'll add pasta and more meat etc., but it's still the same meal.

    Good Luck!
  • 21karensmith
    21karensmith Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with Spammyanna, my mom did the same thing to us all, and were just fine lol.
  • im the youngest adult so i get over-ruled all the time, im also the only one who does the grocery shopping so if i make something they dont like they just make something else and its a waste of money...i need to find things that are healthy that dont really taste healthy......lol is that possible

    Look at Skinnytaste,com they have skinny versions of almost everything and it's usually already in the MFP database
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    thanks pink, ill check that out. thanks everyone..Hopefully at some point my family will see how important losing weight is to me right now and they will support and help out
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    im the youngest adult so i get over-ruled all the time, im also the only one who does the grocery shopping so if i make something they dont like they just make something else and its a waste of money...i need to find things that are healthy that dont really taste healthy......lol is that possible

    Sorry didn't see this before I replied.. in that case maybe some expermintation and brainstorming is in order. Lots of healthy food tastes yummy. Start small and ask for the help of the household! And you can still make meals like burgers and fries, just you have a salad instead of fries. Pasta dinner for everyone, just substitute spaghetti squash for your pasta... things like that?

    (edited out my typos)
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    I cook and they eat (or they don't) but I'm the mom! One thing I sometimes do is just skip the carb portion -- the rice or the noodles or bread -- but eat the rest, and extra veggies if I need more volume
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    i tried spagetti squash, it was a no go... how about wheat noodles, if i just use them instead of telling them do you think its a big enough taste difference for them to complain about?
  • Hi, My name is Wendy. I would say, to your dilema, make home-made pizza, everyone gets in on it, tells you what they want on his/her pizza and you make yours veggie-delight with low-fat cheese. Use some whole wheat in the crust, also, but don't tell them! Use lower fat cheese, including mozzarella, but they don't need to know that either. If you work, you may have to plan in advance, planning your recipes, menus, and shopping following your menus. Plan for success. You CAN do this. I am talking to myself as I write this. Allrecipes.com has AWESOME recipes and even menu planners which I plan to use myself. Their pizza crust recipe is called Awesome pizza crust-and it is. Cut down some of the olive oil if it seems too much. But the flavor is great. Stuff like theis your family will like!
  • KandiceSzeliga
    KandiceSzeliga Posts: 12 Member
    thank you wendy! i will try that
  • You can eat the same food as the rest of your family but in smaller portions. Portion distortion is the main culprit.
    Keep some 100 cal snack packs available. Plus, exercise off a few calories. When they see your sucess they'll join you.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Hun, toughen up and set the rules. You are the one cooking. They eat it or starve. That's the way the old fashioned moms did it and we were wrong to wuss out (I am as guilty as you but I am done making separate meals. Finally came to my senses). Make good healthy meals that everyone can eat. You are doing them a favor. They can fulfill their food addictions elsewhere. And you have a baby to take care of, too. They need not only to cooperate but to help out. Get busy online looking for easy, interesting and healthy things to make. It's really not hard once you put your mind to it. And stick to your guns. :)