

  • You can do a lot of the moves from New Rules Of Lifting at home. Also, my cousin swears by Joyce Vedral... she published a lot of books on weight training in the 90s and many of them are available at the library. You can do all of her moves at home with your own weights, you don't need any gym equipment. The only thing I…
  • You're impatient because you're looking for the visual payoff. Totally understandable! But you often won't SEE the results of your hard work for a month or two. I hate all those "Visible Results in 10 Workouts!" crap, it just sets us up for unrealistic expectations. It helps to have other goals besides 'Looking good!'…
  • I'm a female exerciser, and I think you will have better results if you invest in more weights or maybe some resistance bands to give you more challenge. Having lighter weights as well as heavier ones will let you still get a workout in on days when you're feeling wiped out, or a little too sore for your usual routine.…
  • I only ever seem to manage a month of Insanity at a time. But it's a fun month! I would just focus on it for your exercise; it's so intense if you add other things, you may end up over training. Hope you enjoy it!
  • Here's my two cents - Losing inches means you're losing fat. Period. That is awesome! You don't need to tweak anything - you're getting smaller already. Here's a thought experiment: would you be willing to be two sizes smaller... if it meant weighing 20 pounds more? No one but you would know. Would you be willing to do it?…
  • "Also, I don't plan on going thought the entire holiday season with eating a few things that I enjoy. I am scared to do it though, so we will see. I just don't want to do anything to make me "fall off the wagon"." FWIW, what helps me stay on track after planned treats is having food ready to go for my next meal so I don't…
  • Wow, lots of great information on this topic, and helpful ways of looking at this! I'm using MFP to maintain my weight. I dropped over 100 lbs years ago, but have a tendency to get complacent and then find an extra 20 lbs grinning at me in the mirror. I have used 'cheat' days both while losing and when fighting off that…
  • I think it's rude to have to pretend to like eating someone else's unhealthy cooking because they aren't willing to be supportive of your dietary needs. You aren't calling ahead and telling her to cook something just for you - that, in my opinion, is what is rude. That being said... I would call her this week and let her…
  • Just got this over the weekend, but felt intimidated by it. This is a great reason to get started and stay motivated! Add me!
  • Several things come to mind. I don't want to bore you with this long post, but here are some ideas... 1. Nutrient ratios Yes, if you open your diary, you might be able to get more specific advice about how to tackle this. I know that for some people, ratios of carbs-proteins-fats are what makes or breaks their ability to…
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