

  • Hi Angel, Hope you're having a great day. Please listen carefully and take this on board: I don't want to scare you, but I have seen this happen before and reading your post has worried me. As above, you are going to do yourself some serious damanage if you carry on the way you are- I had a friend who did the same thing…
  • Hiya! Hope you're having a great day! You have to be really ruthless wirh yourself- it's just too easy to think that you have a hard day and that you 'deserve' a treat. Save some calories, say 150 for a snack after dinner, have it, enjoy it and then that's it. Physically take yourself away from the kitchen and put your…
  • Hi Mary, Congratulations on losing the weight- sounds like you have done fab. I'm a little concerned about your perception of anorexia patients not eating at all and that other people might pick up on it and think the same. Actually sufferers spend every waking moment thinking, obsessing and worrying about food they eat…
  • You need to eat them (I am a Personal Trainer). If you only take in 1200 and then exercise on top of that, your body lacks the energy to keep all your vital processes going. Long story short- you get sick. Hope this helps and best of luck x
  • Hey Kitty, I am a Personal Trainer, and an experienced one. I'm not on here to lose any weight but I think its a great tool for tracking healthy eating and fitness. If you have tendonitis in your foot/feet and it hurts, personally I would say you shouldn't be weight-bearing training until it's better. You'll make it worse.…
  • Hi CherryOnion How about the below which covers your fiber, protein and 5-a day. Breakfast; 70 g All Bran with semi skimmed milk and a tablespoon of natural yoghurt Tea/coffee Small Glass of Juice (1 of 5 a day) (500) Snack I pack of Go Ahead Apple and Sultana Biscuits (150) Lunch Chicken Salad Sandwich with green/raw side…
  • Hi Bkay, That's cool- It's really simple (and I don't mean that AT ALL in a patronising way!) See if this helps: 1200, that's your minimum with a safe defecit already built in (assuming you actually need to lose weight!) If you eat under that, you're getting a dangerous defecit- bits of your body that keep you healthy…
  • Hi Shorty, Your picture reminds me of me! You are not alone and I am exactly the same. To look at me you might think I am about 18% body fat UNTIL YOU SEE MY BELLY! I think it's partly genetic because my mum is the same, but I also think it's partly bloating and partly sugar/carbs. As a child I was very underweight and had…
  • Alright great! Who else, who else?!
  • Alright let's do this- who else is starting with me TODAY? LOADS of luck everyone!!xx
  • Hi Alex, Very brave of you to post this. Hope I can help. I went to an all girls boarding school and saw the sides of eating disorders that no one should ever have to see, including people in hospital. The brilliant thing for you is that you can intervene now and stop it going down that path- please please listen to me- I…
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