Hey Everyone, I am back yet agian, I have had a very very stressful 12 months starting with losing my job, my in-laws moving 3 blocks away, my daughter turning one, my husband losing his job, my husband starting a new business, myself starting a business, and almost losing everything thing we have. Things are starting to…
Hi, I use ANEW CLINICAL Professional Stretch Mark Smoother, I have really bad strech marks from my daughter, I have them down and across. I have tried pretty much everything out there and this is the only thing I have personally found to work.…
Hey wondering if I can get in on this challenge I know I am a little late start weight 175 goal weight 163 I really need to lose at least 40 pounds but I have to get at least 20 off I feel before my daughters birthday the 1st of August. I need some major support and motivation. I have been trying to lose this 40 pounds for…
Head... eyebrows grow back funny, I know for a fact my friend shaved half my eyebrow when we where kids. On accident! It grows so funny.
Hey everyone, Weekends suck for me but I am back on track today, I will send my weight tommorow!
You are totally gaining muscle then, I suggest doing measurements every 4 weeks more if you feel the need. When I am going strength training like that I will sit at the same weight for like 4 weeks, i'll have my cycle then I will be done like 5 pounds. And repeat. Don't give up I am sure if you aren't already feeling it in…
I'm a week late but can I get in on this? Start 173.8 Goal 165 I will be 5 pounds from my pre-preg weigt. :heart:
Klondike Slim A Bear - 100 Calorie Vanilla Ice Cream Bars I share mine with my daughter so normally I about eat 3/4 of it sometimes less. Its a great after evening snack. Low-fat youguart is normally between 70 - 100 calories. String cheese and half a apple is around 100. Good luck enjoy!
Agreeded I am only 13 pounds from my pre-preg weight and my daughter is almost 18 months I have a c-section sag like you wouldn't believe! I have starting using an Avon's ANEW CLINICAL Lift and Tuck Professional Body Shaper, I have only been using it for about a week now and I have seen a little difference.…
I am going out today to buy a cd player for her room. I use to work at a daycare and we played Enya or however you spell it everyday at naptime. We are going to try that at bedtime and naptime, but naptime isnt out problem its just bedtime. I know you all say just take the bottle away but my husband and I lead an extremely…
So last night did not go well. My daughter went to fell asleep at 915 normal bedtime is 8 and then woke up at 1015 just as my huband and I where about to fall asleep. So after 2 and a half hours of her crying (no more like screaming bloody murder) we gave in and gave her 2 ounces of bottle, which normally she get about 6…
So Nap went great! I gave her a sippy cup with ice water, and she laid down didn't even cry. She played for like 5 minutes then fell asleep and slept for 3 hours. We are going to keep her up about 30 minutes later then normal tonight and see how it goes. Have a great night everyone!
She has no development issues infact she either right on or ahead of the game, she is very very smart, and very shy. She use to take a nap from 1 to 3-4 but I have changed that now she is down by 12, 1215 and normally up by 230, we play alot, we have a swingset and go out most days for about 30 minutes, plus she has…
Thanks All! I will try the 10 mins thing, She only has her bottle during nap and bedtime, she has a sippy cup during the day. I think I might try to give her a sippy cip of water during naptime. I bought her a little elmo hoping to make that her comfort but it hasnt yet worked. I will also get her old blanket from my…
Yes! All of the above, she eats normally like everyone else and in her bottle I give her a tiny bit of formula for the taste I guess she won't take it anyother way. :yawn:
I use to have a ton of energy befor ehaving my daughter who is now almost 18 months, she still does not sleep through the night and I am so tired its effecting every aspect of my life. My daughter still takes her bottle (only during nap and at night) which I think has a huge impact on her not sleeping through the night,…